Hoyle's Games Modernised. Edited by Professor Hoffmann. (George Routledge and
Sons.)—Edmund Hoyle published his "Short Treatise on the Games of Whist" in 1742. (He was then seventy years of age, and lived twenty-seven years longer.) Fourteen editions, with various games added from time to time, appeared in his lifetime. This book does not reproduce the text, but, as the editor puts it, "the teaching of the master, amplified and brought up to date." Novelties have been introduced, some of them such as Hoyle would have disapprove & We do not
think that it was well to include games which are not permitted at clubs of good repute, baccarat, for instance, blind hooky, and roulette. As to roulette, it would have been interesting if the editor had noticed Professor Karl Pearson's very remarkable observations on the results of the game as played at Monte Carlo, results which he positively affirms to contradict the known laws of chance. A complete knowledge of the literature of the subject ought to accompany the magnificent title which he assumes. It is to be regretted that gambling devices, such as the " rubicon" at bezique and a similar practice at cribbage, should be formally adopted by clubs which possess, or arrogate, a power of legis- lation.