[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] have read with much
interest the various letters on the subject of rabbit catching, and sympathize very much with those who disapprove of the steel trap. To-day I have received a description of what appears to me to be a very satisfactory method of snaring, which claims to be fatal immediately. It is called the " Rabbitjerk," and the chief points about it are as follows
" The animals such as rabbits, hares, opossums, stoats, weasels, rats, lemming, &c., meet with instant and painless death, on entering the trap.
There is neither pulling up of pegs, nor breaking of cord or wires, such as is often the case with other methods of trapping.
The rabbits are not frightened from one cover to another due to their companions screaming and struggling. There is not the slightest sound. When the Rabbitjerk ' is struck it lifts the animal 18 ins. from the run or path, leasing no obstruction. There is a great saving of money. All trappers know quite well what a large percentage of rabbits are spoiled for sale, due to the attacks of vermin whilst the rabbits are still alive and struggling in the trap or gin. With the ordinary rabbit snare one finds that there are many animals with large swollen heads, eyes protruding and when steel traps are used legs are broken and festering. These disadvantages naturally reduce the value of the-animal, whether for food or for the fur, but are entirely avoided by the use of ' Rabbit- jerk.'
All destructive vermin fight shy of attacking a rabbit in the • Rabbitjerk,' because the trapped animal hangs with its head 18 ins. from the ground and its hind feet about 4 ins. There is not the slightest mark on animals caught by the ' Rabbit- jerk ' • therefore, the best prices can be obtained for them, either for food or for the fur." -
I may say I am not interested financially in any way in the article described. The address of the makers is Ulverston, Ltd., Snare Works, Ulverston.—I am, Sir, &c.,