[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The urgency of the
Holiday Fund, administered by the Poor Clergy Relief Corporation, becomes more marked each year, and we confidently appeal to sympathetic friends to enable the poorer clergy in our provincial towns and isolated country places to benefit by the change and rest they sorely need, and which will send them back to their labours refreshed both in body and mind. No one can go on week after week, for years on end, with never a break, or a change, without loss of health arid vigour. In the case of the parish priest it is detri- mental both to himself and to his people, as well as to the cause of the Church. Every clergyman ought to be able to get away, and be free of duty, for a while each year. Often for lack of means no such opportunitY occurs for five or six years together. A case came before the committee in which. an applicant had not been absent from his parish for ten years. Our Fund is open throughout the year. For such help is needed not only in the regular holiday season but also, and often urgently, at other times.
I would add that neither contributions to the Fund, nor applications for grants, should be addressed to me, but, according to advertisement, to our Secretary, Mr. Mandeville B. Phillips, 38, Tavistock Place, Tavistock Square, London,
Chairman of Committee, Prebendary of St. Paul's Cathedral. -