.Those ever‘varying galleries, open free- to all lovers of things.beautiful
or rare,. the rooms. of Messrs. Christie and Messrs. Sotheby, .have been centres of special interest in the culmination of the present season. A few days ago the masterpieces collected by the late -Mr. James Ross of Montreal were sold for nearly £140,000. Since then the feared result of the death of Sir George Holford has come, bringing under the hammer large portions of the collections made by his father, and devotedly cared for by himself. The rarest books had .already been sold to an American. Of , the Italian pictures the magnificent Lorenzo Lotto of a lady as Lucretia will stay in England at the National Gallery, mainly, we are told, thanks to a generous addition to the Gallery's available funds from Sir George's brother-in-law, Mr. Robert Benson, who has produced as a labour of love a catalogue of the collection which is a noble combination of learning and sumptuousness.