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wo prizes are awarded each week - a CODY of the De Luxe edition ol Chambeps's Twentieth Cen- tury Dictionary and a book token for one guinea. These will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened after ,,,' on Tuesday week, August 3 and addressed: Crossword 792. 99 Gower St., London, W .0 .1.
Solution 71114At he on the form here printed. The solution and the dapples of the winners will be pubLthrd in the following issue.
ACROSS: 1 No bag I make of a bottomless basket (6). 4 It's grim to cancel the service (8). 10 There's nothing in the indicators in flight (7). 11 Bribe '? Hush ! (7). 12 One can make sure of continental roads (4). 13 A dagger's in this (10). 16 Accountant and dramatist produce a pumpkin (6). 17 ' Wedges of gold, great -- , heaps of pearl ' (Shakespeare) (7). 20 Bird that became a hind at sea (7). 21 His wife talked at length at night (6). 24 What's in a name ? (10). 25 The month reaches zero in composition (4). 27 Fish, unknown in France, abounds in Canada.(7). 29 'He shall find the stubborn - bursting Into glossy purples' (Tennyson) (7). 30 Gives ear (anag.) (8). 31 The rays of the sun were reflected in more-than-oriental splendour from his hat (6).
DOWN: 1 But is the race worth so little ? (8). 2 Flower of opera (11). 3 Empty honour for a musician (4). 5 Such an answer as ' Bo ' pro- vokes? (8). 6 Anne is confused about the pen conversely (10). 7 The garland might so easily be false (3). 8 'We maun - down, John' (Burns) (6). 9 It takes us a long time to get employment (5). 14 Acrid tea, Sir (anag.) (11). 15 Here Eastern ruler will show variation or, own up Scotch (10). 18 'Winking -- begin to ope their golden eyes' (Shakespeare) (8). 19 Eve gets confused about the aspiring foreign gentleman (8). 22 A wet season ? (6). 23. 'A sleep and a forgetting,' said the poet (5), 26 A watchman in the scales (4). 28 Curious, no debts (3).
Solution will be published on August 6.
The winners of Speemmuor Crossword No. 790 arc as follows: First prime to MR!. M. M. JEFFREY, Aroona, (intim& Road. tsly. Brit", and second prize to Miss Mous, Chic,..11 Farm House, Conon ,Nr.