Inventing Essex Man
Sir: Julian Critchley takes me to task for writing that my friend Simon Heifer discov- ered Essex Man (Letters, 16 July). He claims it was he, not Mr Heifer, who first identified the species. After extensive research I have been unable to unearth any evidence to support Mr Critchley's con- tention. I do remember an article by Mr Critchley in which the words 'Essex' and 'man' both appeared, but were separated by several hundred other words. At no stage were they conjoined. The definitive article was written by Mr Heifer in the Sunday Telegraph on 7 October 1990, coupled with a splendid illustration by Collet. It is sad that one so brilliantly inventive as Mr Critchley should seek to claim credit where it is not due.
Richard Littlejohn
London NS