Express despatches, anticipating the Bombay mail of the 12th May,
have ar- rived this morning. The only news of interest is a confirmation of the Ranee Chanda's escape from the Fort of Chunar. It is a significant fact that she has "turned up" at Nepaul; whose Sultan is believed, on good evidence, to have been complicated, like Dost Mohammed of Affghanistan, in the late Sikh insurrection. A mission has been sent to Ghnlab Singh, on the errand, it is surmised, of re- covering the celebrated diamond Koh-i-noor, which is not forthcoming at Lahore. From Canton, to the 5th April, it is stated that the Chinese Government had just formally declined to carry into effect the stipulations for our entry of Canton on the 6th: and Sir John Davis saw reasons for not enforcing the demand at present.