23 JUNE 1855, Page 13



The intelligence this week from the seat of war, with the exception of to- day, was little calculated to influence our Funds; and the attention of spe- culators was principally directed to the French market, still unsettled in an- ticipation of the new Loan. The amountand period of its issue is uncertain; but rumour has named 20,000,0001. as the minimum sum required, and that, unlike the mode adopted on the last occasion, it will be contracted for by bid- dings from capitalists, and thus be likely to draw money from this country. On Monday the Funds in Paris fell about 1 per cent ; from which they ral- lied 1, but have since declined 11, assisted by a statement in the Honittur that the Legislature is to be convoked for financial purposes on the 2d of July. Another unfavourable feature in Paris is a further diminution in the bullion of 930,0001. as exhibited in the returns of the Bank of France for the peat month; making a total reduction within the past two or three months of 1,700,0001. The note circulation has increased by 1,300,0001. The fluctuations in our Funds up to last evening were light, Consols Xanging between 911 and 911 ; but today at the opening of the market, they declined about 1 per cent, and were done at 90k, owing to the intelligence of the unsuccessful attack by the Allies on the Redan and Malakoff Tower : they close with a better appearance, at 901 4. Exchequer Bills are 5s. lower. The third instalment of 10 per cent on the New Loan was due on Tuesday : it would have amounted to 1,600,0001., but 775,0001. had been paid in advance; leaving a sum to provide of only 825,0001. This was met without inconvenience, and its effect on the Funds was a temporary depres- sion of per cent. The rate for loans on Government Securities is as low as2 to 2f per cent. In the discount-market also nioney is abundant. The remittances from New York continue large, amounting this week to 210,0001. The shipments of specie have comprised 369,3841. by the Indus ; nearly the whole of which was silver for Bombay, Madras, and Calcutta; 31,9801, for Lisbon, ace. 40001. for the West Indies and Pacific.

Foreign Stocks continue to be well supported ; and Brazilian, Belgian, and Danish Three per Cents are 1, and Turkish 1 better. Russian Five per Cents and Buenos Ayres have fallen 1. Railways were steady, and the transactions limited until yesterday, when several sales were pressed, and they experienced a decline of 5s. to 10:. To- day the fall in Consols has increased this flatness. London and North- Weitern leaves off at 1021 1. Great Western is 15s., and Lancashire and Yorkshire and Midland 10:. lower this week. French Shares have receded 11. in several instances. Since the failure of Messrs. Stratum, Paul, and Bates, there has been increased business in the shares of the Joint-MA Banks. The.City has improved 31., and is now 5 6 premium, and London has advanced 21.


The English Funds opened lower this morning, but have recovered. Consols for Account are now 9014. Exchequer Bills are heavy, at 12 16. Exchequer Bonds 1858, 1001. There is a large increase in the bullion return by the Bank of England, amounting to 296,6581. In Foreign Stooks, Turk- ish has improved f, being now 82I. In other Securities there is nothing new. Railways continue dull—Caledonian, 63; Eastern Counties, 124 ; London and North-Western, 1021; Great Western, 671; London and Blackwell, 7}; South-Eastern, 61/.


The English Funds have been free from all excitement since the morning,

and leave off at the same quotations; Consols for Account being 901 Ex- chequer Bills are 2s. better; they are now 14 18. Annuities 1886, 1615-16. Exchequer Bonds 1858, 1001 1. Foreign Stooks have been quiet, but the rise in Turkish has not been maintained, and they close lower ; the bar- gains have been at 82 1 la I. In Railways no particular change has taken place—Caledonian, 3; East- ern Counties, 121; Great Western, 671; Lancashire and Yorkshiri5 81}; London and Blackwell, 7{ ; London and North-Western, 102f ; Midland, 741; North-Eastern—Berwick, 74f• Ditto Extension, 131; Ditto Leeds, 141 ; South-Eastern, 611 ; South Wales, 29*; Eastern Counties Extension 6 per Cent No. 1, 1 pm. ; Great Northern 5 per Cent, 1191; Great Western, and Redeemable di per Cent, 100 ; Midland Consolidated Bris- tol and Birmingham, 6 per Cent, 1401; North-Eastern—Berwiek 4 per Cent Preference, 96 ; Antwerp and Rotterdam, 91,; Dutch Rhenish, 9; Emit Indian, 251; Great Western of Canada, 211; Luxembourg Obligations, 31; Lyons and Geneva, 151; Namur and Liege, (with interest,) ; Northern of France, 36; Sambre and Meuse, 10. Nine—United Mexican, 4. Joint Stock Banks—City, 35f; London, 83; London Chartered Bank. of Aus- tralia, 201; London and Westminster, 481; New South Wales, 351; Orien- tal Bank Corporation, 381 ; Union of Australia, 741; Union pf. London, 29. Miscellaneous—Crystal Palace Preference, 51.

Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents 81 4 646 Ditto 4 per Cents ' Mexican 3 Cents per



Peruvian 41 per Cents 68 70 Ditto 3 per Cents 48 50 Portuguese 4 per Cents 44 6 Russian 5 per Cents 98 100 Ditto 41 per Cents 89 91

Spanish 3 per Cents -381

9 Ditto Deferred 11 1 Sardinian 5 per Cents 8b

Swedish 4 per Cents

87 90 8 per Cent Consols Dtto for Aecount II per Cent Reduced New 3 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock

Austrian 5 per Cents

Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 41 per Cents Chin 6 per Cents Danish 5 per Cents shut 901 1 91 91 14 18 shut 85 8 100 2 93 5 102 4 101 3

si 4

2101 111 • ,