The termination, for this season, of Mr. Hullah's Choral Concerts
at St. Martin's Nail—the last of which was performed on Wednesday even- inutgg us occasion to express our sense of the admirable manner in which they have been conducted, and the evidence they have furnished. of the great advancement of his pupils, of whom his chorus is entirely. composed. He has not (mauled them, during the season, to the repeti- lion of a few pieces in one style,, which they might. thus have learned. -mechanically and by-rote: he hss-guided them through a great variety of 'music, all of the highest class, but differing widely in age, country, and ohsracter,—the works of the great old Italian and German ecclesiastical contraptintista, the oratorios of. Metidelssohn :88 well as of Handel, and the madrigals. and part-music of the chief secular composers from the sixteenth century to the- present time. He has, when necessary, given his singers the aid of an oreheatra sufficient to support, not to over- power them ; at other times he has given them only the organ, and has likewise accustomed them to sing without any accompaniment. The-last. concert was one which, from the variety as well as difficulty of the music performed; tried the powers of the singers to the utmost. It was partly sacred, partly secular; and most of it was unaccompanied. In this way they sang • two choral pieces of very great difficulty; Sebastian Bach's motet, " I- wrestle and pray," and Mendelesohn's psalm, " Why rage the heathen," both for two choirs, and full of the most intricate combinations of harmony: Yet they were executed not only with steadi- ness and accuracy, but with smoothness, delicacy, and expression. In the performance of the solo parts with which these great choral pieces are intermixed, Mr. Hullah employs several young vocalists of much merit and more promise,—particularly Miss Palmer, bliss Fanny Rowland, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Thomas, who are evidently deriving great advan- , tage from the excellent training and practice which they receive at these concertaandinprepamtion for them.