23 JUNE 1855, Page 20



per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cents Reduced

New 3 per Cents.

Long Annuities.

Annuities 1885

-Bank Stock,8 per Cent

India Stock, 1Q1 per Cent Exchequer Bills, aid. per diem Exchequer Benda 1839 India Bonds, 4 per Cent Saturd. (Closing Monday. Prices.) Tuesday.


921 92/ 4 211 18 101i

Wainer 911 921 921 4 16/ 2111 15 28 Thin s.

91/ 92 92i 4 161 2111 21 30 Friday.

shut t11 ex 41. 921 921 210 shot 18pm.

i9 pm. 91i



161 210 21 101 30 se/ 911 92



2111 12


(Last Official Quotation &wing the Week ending Friday Evening.) Austrian 6p, Ct.

French. 41p.Ct.

Belgian 41 945 Mesiexa 3 -


Ditto 21

Peruvian 41 -


Brazilian a 1001 Portuguese 3 -

Buenos Ayres 4 39

Russian s


Chilian ..6 1031 Sardinian 5


Danish 6

Spanish . . .4.. - a

381 Ditto 3

521 Ditto New Deferred 3


Dutch (Pm. 12 Guilders)" .51 E- 641 Ditto 1Passivel


Ditto 4 941 Turkish ........... ...... .6 -


French a -

Venezuela 41



Mast Official Quotation daring the Week ending. Friday Evening.) AILWATE-


Bristol and Exeter 911 'Australaalan


Caledonian Edinburgh and Glasgow

631 58 British North American City


66 ex d.


Eastern Counties 121 Colonial


Great Northern


Commercial of London "


Great South. and West. Ireland 1001 London • • • 33 Great Western 671 LendonCharsd. Bak. of Australia 201 Hull and Selby 158 London.ndat Stock. 281 Lancashire and Yorkshire 811

London and Westmineter.

471 Lancaster and Carlisle

National ofIrcland

London, Brighton, & South Coast. 102 National Provincial

London and Blackwell 8 Oriental 381 • London and North-Western 1021

, Provincial of Ireland .....

London and South-Western • 831 Union of Australia 76 Midland • 74/ Union of London 231 Midland Great Western (Ireland)

• M1NTB- ,

North British 301 Ague Fria

North-Eastern-Berwick 741 Brazilian Imperial


North•Eastern-York 51 Ditto (St.3ohn del Hey)

29 ex d.

Oxford, Woe. A Wolverhampton..



60 • Scottish Central 104


South Eastern and Dover 625 Australian Agricultural 31 Bait India Guaranteed


- Canada

120 Great Western of Canada all. Crystal Palace 31


General Steam 251 East and West India

Peel River Land and Mineral ... 21


Peninsular and Oriental Steam.. 62 ex d.

St. Katherine

Royal Mall Steam 731 Victoria

South Australian 381 BANK OF ENGLAND. • • An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 410 Victoria, cap, 32, for the ;week ending on

Saturday,The 16th dayof lime 11165.. • ' ISSUE DEPARTMENT..

Notes issued £31,350,391 l Government Debt £11,015,100 Other Securities 2,984,900 Gold Coin and Bullion 17,250.885

Silver Bullion '-

431,350,895 J 431,350,395

• safe/Mali nerAllyweve. .- ProEsptrietors' Capital n4,5s6,0ob Government Securities (inclui R 3,123,065 ding Dead Weight Annuity):£12,681,068

Public Deposits. 3,584,754 Other Securities 12,329,704 'Other Deposits 13,307,714 Notes 11,814,200 - Seven Day and other Bills.... 1,034,770 Gold and Silver Coin 710,821 E37,605,295• J E37,605,293 • Including Exciequer,SavIngs.Banka, Commissioners of National Debt, & Dividend Sects

METAX.E. Parton. •

Copper, Brit. Cakea: £126 0 0 .. 0 0 0 Iron, Welsh Ban.... 6 12 4-- 6 15 0 _ Lead, British Pig.... 22 10 0 .. sr 0 o .Steel, Swedish Reg.. 18...0 9 .. Is o 0

AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales. Wheat.... 76s. 5d.I Rye 445. ed. Barley .... 33 0 Beans 46 3 Oats 28 1 Peas 41 9 Wheat.. Barley Oats For WEEKLY AVERAGE. the Week ending June 16.

77s. 5d. Rye

84 0 Beans

28 7 Peas 45,.

46 43 10d.

6 6


Butter-Best Fresh, 13s. Od. per dos. Carlow, 41. 14s. to 41. IC.. per cwt.

Bacon, Irish per cwt. 60s. to 72s. Cheese, Cheshire 0 41 Derby, Plain 0 0

Hams, York '0 - 0 Eggs, French, per 120, OLD& to Os. 94.



s. d. s. d. s. CANTLT-NARKET.•

. e. a. a. d. a, d.

HEAD OP• CATTLE AT THE Carrr.g-susazy.

Beef... 8 8 to 4 0 to

....4 0 to 4

8 to 5 0



Mutton 3 4- 4 4- 5 .... 4 6 - 6 0 - 4 'Beasts . 3,719 9E3 Veal .. 3 8- 4 4 - 5 .... 4 6- 6 0-

shftp .22,010

12,690 Pork .. 8 4 - 4 0 - 4 .... 4 0 - 4 4- 4 5 Calves.. 214 603 Lamb.. 6

0 - 6 0-0

-. 5 4 - 6 0 - 6 Pigs ... 560 420 WOOL.

Down Tees per lb. 123. to 133.

Wethera . 11 - 12 Leicester Fleeces 101 - 12 Combing 10 - 121 OILS, GREASE, COALS.

Pe Oil per cwt. £2 13 0 Refined 218 0 Linseed Oil 1 19 0 Linseed 011 Cake per 1000 15 0. 0

Petersburg Y. C 521. Od. to Os. Od, Town Tallow 62x. 9d. to Os. Od.

Coals, Hetton Os. Cid.

Tees II.. Od. HAY AND STRAW. Per Load of36 Trusses.) Catuaradvatt. Sarrnrisrm.

Hay, Good 110s. to 116s.. 103s. to 1051 Inferior 60 - /00

New 60 - • 78

Clover 120 -130 • Wheat Straw 30 - 34 Wancc6lret.

100a.- to Ills

60 70 36 - 80 0 • 0 0 - - 0 126 180 128 - 152 24 28 24 - 28

• -

BULLION. Per oz.

Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard £3 17 9 Foreign Gold inCoin, Portugal Pm 0 0 0 New Dollars 0 4 III Silver in Bars, Standard 0 3 15 GRAIN, Mork Lane, June 22.

Rye ..... 41 to 43 Maple 31 61340

Braley 31 - IS White ... 43-45 Malting 56-37 Blue 49-59 Malt, Ord.- 68- 72 Iteans,TIcks_40 -42 Fine 0- 0 Barrow 41-43

Peas, Hog 32 -38 Indian Corn 47 ..‘• 50

Wheat, R. 0 oto 0 Fine 0- 0 White Old 0- '0 Fine 0- 0 New 73-81 Fine 83-85 Oats;Feed.. 28 to 27 -Fine .. 18-25 Poland... 29-30 Fine .. 31-32 Potato 30 - 31 Fine .. 32 -34 FLOUR.

Town-made per sack 661. to mt.

Seconds 60 - 63 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 0 - 0

Norfolk and Stockton 63 - 55

American per barrel 88 - 44 Canadian 38 -- 44

Bread, 71d. to 1014. the illb. loaf.

• To 8 sink the offal, per lb.


Kent Pockets 270s. to 3008.

Choice ditto 280 - 370

'Sussex ditto 240 - 270 Farnham ditto 0 - 0 GROCERIES.

Tea, Couchette, fine, per lb. Ir. 2d. to 24. 641.

Congou, fine 1 0 - 2 4 Pekoe, flowery 1 6 - 3 6 In Bond-Duty L. 8d. per lb.

C.ffee, fine (in bond) cwt. BSc Od. to 90s. ad. Good Ordinary 48s. Od. -83a. Od, Sugar, Muscovado, per cwt. 221.11d. West India MolasSes 161. 64. to 171. Od.