Rumours of Austrian intervention in the war have been current
all this week, but they have taken no intelligible form. The idea at Pesth is that the Government is mobilising an army to resist Russia in certain eventualities, but that idea is improbable on the face of it. Russia would never have moved without being certain of Austrian quiescence, nor is General Rodich, the deter- mined Governor of Dalmatia, the officer who would be selected for an anti-Slavic movement. It is much more probable that the danger of Montenegro, which was extreme until Petrovichs routed the Turks under the guns of Spuz, had induced the Slav party to place further pressure on the Emperor. By the latest accounts the pressure has relaxed, and the army on the fron- tier will not be greatly increased ; but whenever Austria moves, we may rely on it the objeot will be the annexation of Bosnia, not the defeat of the Russian army. The House of Hapsburg is not going to quarrel finally with its Slays.