23 JUNE 1906, Page 15


[To Tile EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."1 SIR,—You do not often publish obituary notices, but it seems fitting that some record should appear in the Spectator of one who was for so many years a reader of your articles and an adherent of your views as the late Rev. Henry Francis Mallet, who died at Eastbourne on Tuesday, the 12th inst. Mr. Mallet was a grandson of Mallet du Pan, the famous French political critic and theorist, and an elder brother of the late Sir Louis Mallet. Educated at Balliol and ordained in the " forties," he belonged to the same school of religious and ecclesiastical thought as the late F. D. Maurice. The weak- ness of his voice led him to find his sphere of activity rather in unpaid philanthropic work than in the usual occupations of a clergyman. He was, for instance, a keen supporter of the Charity Organisation Society and of the Co-operative movement. But though he never held a benefice, he did occasionally preach in former years at Hampstead and else- where, revealing in his sermons, as he did in private letters, wide culture and deep earnestness. If be has left no sub- stantial literary work to be his memorial, his benevolence and championship of all good causes will long be remembered, particularly in Hampstead, where much of his life was passed. His career of eighty-five years was singularly blameless, and if the tangible effect of it seems inconsiderable, the cause was humility, and neither incapacity nor indolence.—I am, Sir, &c., REGINALD J. FLETCHER.