23 JUNE 1906, Page 3

Mr. Asquith addressed a large meeting of Liberals at Northampton

on the evening of Friday week. In face of the great industrial economic rivalry now going on, it was monstrous that they, should be quarrelling about the precise quantum of controversial dogma which might be crammed into the poor little brains of their children. " Teach them to fear God, to serve the State, to bate injustice, to love their neighbour, to do their , duty with all their might ; give them a knowledge of what the wise have taught, and what the saints have hoped, and what the great have done ; make it your governing aim and system of educa- tion to turn out good citizens, good fathers, good employers, good craftsmen,—then, and then only, you will have solved the . problem of national education." During Mr. Asquith's speech there were many interruptions on the part of the advocates of female suffrage, and after the meeting an attempt was made to mob him.. The chances of women obtaining the Parliamentary vote were never very bright, but what little chance there was has now vanished altogether.