23 JUNE 1917, Page 1

Affairs in Greece go much better than at one time

seemed possible. The abdication of. King Constantze has been received calmly, and some of the mercurial Greek politicians and journalists who supported him are shouting with the Venizelists—now the larger crowd. The new King, Alexander, issued a Proclamation which reads strangely. He refers to the sacred trust he inherits from his father and to the brilliance of his father's reign. This may mean nothing. We can all make excuses for filial piety—even when it appears in inappropriate places. King Constantine and his family have arrived in Switzerland, and when passing through Italy were treated to some hissing and hustling from angry crowd i. The pro-German camarilla in Athens is being broken up by the French High Commissioner, and many of the leaders are being deported. M. Venizelos is said to " be ready to co-operate with M. Zaimis in forming a " unifying " Government—that is to say, of course, a pro-Ally Government..