have to-day (June 15th) received a circular from Lord Devonport appealing to every man, woman, and child to help his effort to reduce the consumption of bread—to eat less food—and for all members of my household to respond to the King's recent appeal. What is here suggested my family and I have been doing for months past. We also have followed the King's example and have used no alcohol as a beverage in my house. In this appeal just issued there is no mention of using less alcohol, the manufacture of which uses up so much raw material necessary for daily food. If we are to abstain from bread, &c., so urgently needed for our families, I consider that the waste of food material in manufac- turing what is at best only a luxury to the very many should be stopped. I emphatically protest against this waste, and would suggest to as many as are of my way of thinking to write to the Food Controller personally by way of protest; it may help to put a stop to this harmful waste of food and to the loss of skill and energy caused thereby, and also liberate transit for national
purposes.—I am, Sir, he., P. H. GRIERSON. Park-na-Silla, Bray, Co. Wicklow.