23 JUNE 1917, Page 17

Kv,ltur awl Anarchy. By F. C. Owlett. (Elkin Mathews. 2s.

6d. net.)—This slim volume of verse in various manners is notable for its originality and restraint. The grim little " Devil's Game," with the Kaiser, neck in noose, on a revolving globe, is neatly phrased, and supplies Mr. E. J. Sullivan with a subject fora frontispiece. But we prefer " The Zeppelin," and still more " The Song of the Aeroplane," which begins- " I am free of the air !

Soaring on sunlit wing, I ffing a. challenge to the eagle. I climb into the Infinite Vault, And traverse the Vestibule of Eternity."

" Buccaneers, 0 Buccaneers," is a rollicking satire on the enemy submarines, but its humour will unfortunately be lost on the Germans.