22 JUNE 1944, Page 12

"MR. DE VALERA'S VICTORY" SIR,—Under the heading "Mr. de Valera's

Victory," in your issue of June 9th, you say he continues "to tolerate German diplomatic agents in Dublin." Any stick will do to beat a dog, but this seems a very poor one, Do not the Russians " tolerate " Japanese diplomatic agents in Moscow—indeed, have they not just concluded a treaty with them? Are not Finnish diplomats " tolerated " in America? And, surely, Mr. Churchill at least is grateful to Mr. de Valera for the btter's support, through his Blueshirts, of Mr. Churchill's friend Franco.—Yours, etc.,

[Eire is still nominally a member of the British Commonwealth. It owes its security in the present war solely to the Royal Navy, the R.A.F., and the presence of British and American troops in Northern Ireland. Yet by retaining a German Minister it is giving manifest assistance to the enemy.—En., The Spectator.]