22 JUNE 1944, Page 17


July 4th. Envelopes should be teceived not later than

MUSI bear the word "Crossword," she NUMBER of the

Scluttons must be on the form below, and none can be selunon of this week's crossword to be opened after The solution and he name of the winner will be published

[A Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct accepted from the U.S.A. puzzle and a 21d. stamp. noon on Tuesday week, In the following issue.1 first post that day and


1 A charming novel no doubt. (S.) Showing mythology's association with cricket. (6.)

9. Where all the conversation was small talk? (8.)

I'm a twin. (6.)

2. Dear God! the very houses seem ." (Wordsworth.) (6.)

II .3. Found in the adventures Alice en- countered. (5.) 6. A word of good cheer. (6.) 11 7. Carol swallows the States in this

orltY. (8.) C. Maxims. (8.) I. A small operatic figure. (6.) Pin found in a hotel. (5.)

ci S. Shakespeare's causes of insomnia. (6.) 6. Ah, take the Cash, and let the CI go." (Omar Khayyam.) (6.) 9. The Channel seems hardly the place for it just now. (8.)

No friend Re one, said Christina Rossetti. (6.) Shylock took it in it.


36 I. In which to place takings from the it. land? (4.) 2. The Maid of Astolat. (4.)

111 3. Streamlined. (9.)

UI 4. The darlcie inquires of the landlord

for accommodation. (6.)

6. Mounting suiddles. (5.)

1 7. One of these was concerned with the

insecurity of tree-top repose. (6 4.)


S." A dark, salIowish District Super- intendent of Police, faultlessly uni- formed, an Englishman." (to.) t r. Rationing in this family was quite uncomplicated. (5.)

74. One can't do this with these, they're used at table. (10.)

15, 27. This may be solved, but shouldn't be dissolved. (4, 6, 4.)

18. East devoured. (9.)

59. It goes to pot. (5.)

22. Do talc,: a hand in France. (6.) 24. No abstainers in textiles. (5.) 26. It's a paradoxical reward of industry here that the cells should be full. (4.) 27. Sec 15.