23 MARCH 1833, Page 2

The obliging and disinterested offer of Russia to assist the

Sultan against his rebellious vassal the Pacha of Egypt, has been decidedly declined. The French Admiral and Ambassador to the Porte, ROUSSIN, promptly interfered to send back the Russiaa, fleet, which had actually anchored within sight of Constantinople. Be also pledged himself to procure the Consent of Am, and his victorious son IBRAH IM, to reasonable terms of peace. The terms are said to be determined upon between the Sultan and the French Ambassador ; but, although it is reasonable to expect that they will be acceded to by ALI 1)acha, there is no positive intelligence to that effect. Aleppo and Scanderoon, it is supposed, will be given up to the Porte, and Syria and Jerusalem to the Egyptians.