23 MARCH 1839, Page 9


Lord Glenelg is to have

'.A.tieliland'resigned on If s appointment to the Governor-Generalship eV India.

. . The tatteen as bestowed a pension of 2001. a year on Colotet Gurwood,.as a reward for his editorship of the Duke of Wellingtou'a , despatches.

Mr. Spring Rice has undertaken the management of a bill to enable the Duke of Wellington to charge upon his estate a jointure for Lady-

E. Hay, who is about to marry the Marquis of Douro. The Duke the Whigs in office, and the Whigs are not ungrateful.

The uxorious Lord Lyndhurst is again off to Paris.

Mrs. Blildmay, daughter of Lord Ashburton, died a few days sail, im consequence of injuries from fire, which accidentally caught her clothes.

The Princess Charlotte Napoleon, daughter of Joseph Bonaparte. died lately at Sarzanne, on her route from Florence to Genoa. She. was remarkable for her knowledge of painting and the fine arts, and was much beloved in her own family for many amiable qualities.