23 MARCH 1844, Page 12



On the 13th March, at the vicarage, Swaton, Lincolnshire, the Lady of the Rev. HENRY KNAPP, of a son.

Ou the 14th, at Coley Park, Reading, the Lady of 3. SLIGO Morrea, Esq.. of a daughter. Ou the 14th, iu Boltou Street. Piccadilly, the Lady of JAMES ARTHUR TAYLOR, Esq., M.P.. of a daughter who survived but a few hours.

Ott the r5th, at the vicarage, Epsom, Surrey, the Lady of the Rev. B. BaSDNEY BOCKETT,o1 a SOH.

Ou the 16.1t, in Upper Belgrave Street, the Marchioness of Haarixas, of a daughter. On the ttith, at Horsford, near Norwich, the Lady of the Rev. RICHARD BRICKDALE, of a sun.

Ott the 17th, at Oxmantmvn Place, Parsontown, the Lady of Sir EDWARD SYNGE, Bart., of a daughter.

On the 17th, at Byfieet Rectory, the Lady of the Rev. J. Fonarea ALLEYNE, of a son. Ou the 17th, in Kingsgate Street, the Wife of a shoemaker named ROWDON, of three SOILS. Who appear to be perfectly healthy.

On the 18th, in St. James's Place, Mrs. Jonx Human, of a eon.

Ou the .0th. in Southwick CIESCIMH, Hyde Park, the Hon. Mrs. ARTHUR KINNAIRD, of a daughter.

On the afhh, at York Terrace, Regent's Park, the Hon. Mrs. CAMPBELL Scantwer, of a da igliter.

On the 10th, at the Castle. Parsonstown, Ireland, the Countess of Roam, of a son. On the 21st, at Brighton, the Lady of the Hon. Casabas HANBURY TRACY, of a son.


On the 18th January, at Sholapore, Captain Muster Wittman-row, of the Fifth Ma- dras Li_ht Cavalry, youngest son of the late George Wroughtun. Esq., of Adulate Hall. Yorkshire, to JANE, daughter of the late EDWARD ARMSTRONG. Esq., of Hook, Dumfriesshire.

Ou the 9th February, at St. Vincent, WILLIAM Gamma. ALVES. Esq., late Captain in her Majesty's Tweuty-ninth Regiment, sou of the late William Alves, Esq.. of En- ham House. Hants, to EMILY autumn:a, eldest daughter of JonnrPESISHRTON Ross, Esq.. Suiieitor- General of that island.

On the 14th March. at St. John's, Fulham, PERCY Minas, Esq., of Gloucester Crescent, to CAROLINE WILHELMINA, fourth daughter of ALFRED J. KEMPE, Esq., F.S.A., of Fulham.

Ott the 16th, at St. Pancras Church, HERBERT ROBINSON, Esq.. of Old Broad Street, ItEld the Hand of Madeira, to ELLEN MARY, the eldest daughter of Captain S. C. STILES. R.N.

Oa the 18th, at Caversham, Oxfordshire, FREDERICK D. CLEAVELAND, Esq.. Captain Royal Artillery, to MARY INNEs, daughter of the late WILLIAM limas Pococa, Esq., Lieutenant Royal Navy, of Rose Hill. Car ersham. On the 19th, at St. George's. Hauover Square, WILLIAM HOMEWOOD. Esq., second sou of the late Sir John Courteoay Houywood, Bart., of Evingtou, in Kent, to BARBARA Hiraiirarre. youngest daughter of JAMES WHITE, Esq., of Fitton House. Devon. On the 19th, at Athlone, SOMERVILLE 111'Dmverm CALDER, Esq., Royal Artillery. son of Li.otenaut-Colonel Calder, Commanding Royal Engineers, Halifax, VI SARAH CON- crercrre, third daughter of G. H. Gams, Esq., Camberwell.


Ou the 29th February, at Naples. Fanny, the Wife of Sir PEREGRINE PALSIED. FULLER PALMER ACLAND, Bart., of Fairfield, Somerset. On the 111th, at Bath, the Rev. J. H. MICH ELT., Rector of Rockland. and Kelshall, Herbs. and late Fellow of King's College. Cambridge; in his 84th year. O., the 12th, at Ebel College, Mceartotis Ammer. eldest son of Sir MONTAGUE JOHN CHOLM FLEE. Bart.. of Easton Hall, and Norton Place. Liticolashire ; to his 14th year.

Ou the 13th. in London, Major-General Sir OCTAVIITS CAREY, C. B., K.C.H.. Coas- t:lauding the Cork District, Ireland ; iu his 53th year.

Ou the 13th, at Bath, GEORGE Drat, Lieutenant•General and Senior Officer in the Bengal Army; in his 79th year. On the lath, at Brighton, Mrs. Taorren, Widow of the late JOHN Tacrrraa, Esq., of Dyrham Park. Barnet. Heels; in her 70th year. On the 1411,. ItuRERT PHILIP.... Esq., of the Park. near Manchester ; in his 84th year. On the 16th. JOHN De WHELPDAtE, Esq., of Bishop Yards, Penrith, Deputy-Lieu- tenant and Justice of the Peace for the Counties of Cumberland and Westmoreland; in his 84th year.

On the 17th. at Chester, Major-General Wit.t.tata H. Bacawrrn.

Ou the 17th. in L'itzwilliam Street. Dublin. Arum, the Wife of Eowaan TicawET, Esq.. and sister to the late Lady Tierney.

On the 18th, at Clarendon House, the Dowager Countess of CLARENDON; in her 84th year.

On the 18th. at Bramford Park, near Ipswich, killed by his horse dashing him against a tree, Lord WILLIAM HILL, third son of the Marquis of Doti/resume ; in his 28th year.

On the 18th. in Upper Brook Street. the Honourable CHARLES CHOLMONDELEY, youngest Wu of the Right Honourable Lord DELAMERE; in his 17111 year. On the 19th, at York House, Twickenham. the Earl of LONSDALE ; in his 87th year. On the 19th, HARLF.Y GREVILLE, eldest surviving son of General and Lady Comturrra Bacon.

On the 22d, at Greenwich, Avers MARIA, widow of the late Right Hon. Gamine Tmarreir.

Lately, at Leicester House, Jersey, RICHARD CHASE Srnssy, Esq., third sou of the late John Si,tuey, Esq., many years of the Court Lodge, Yalding, Kent, and brother of Sir R.bert Sidney.