23 MARCH 1844, Page 20



981 984 1021 1021 69 74 FOREIGN FUNDS.

(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Alabama (Sterling) 5 p. Ct. 824 Mexican 5 p. Ct. Austrian 5 - _ Ditto (Deferred) 5 - Belgian 5 - 1044 Michigan 6 - Brazilian 5 824 Mississippi (Sterliug)...6 - Buenos Ayres ....... 6 - 371 Neapolitan 5 - Cuba 6 - _ New York (1858) 5 - Chiliau 6 - 1044 Ohio 6 - Colltmbian of 1824 6 - 141 Pennsylvania 5 - Danish 3 - >:4 Peruvian 6 - Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) .21 - 57) Portuguese 5 - Ditto(Ditto) 5 - 1011 Ditto (Converted) - 3 - 83f. 25c. Russian 5 -


6 - - Spanish 5 - Indiana (Sterling) 5 - Ditto (Passive) Illinois 6 - - Ditto (Deferred) Kentucky 6 - 93 South Carolina 5 p. Ct. Louisiana (Sterling) ....5 - - Tennessee Maryland (Sterling) ....5 - - United States Bank Massachusetts (Sterling) 5 -Virginia 6 - SHARES.

(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)

Mittes- BANKS-

li.danos Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. Julia del Rey) British Iron Candunga Cobre Copper


Edinburgh and Glasgow Eastern Counties GrandJuuctien Great Western Liverpool and Manchester London and Brighton London and Blackwell Loudon and Greenwich Loudon and Birmingham London and Croydon Manchester and Leeds Midland Counties North Midland South-eastern and Dover South-western York and North Midland METALS.

Copper, British Caltes.per ton851. Os. to 0 0 Or Iron, British Bars 5 0 0 - 0 0 0

Lead, British Pig 17 0 0 0 0 0 Steel, English 0 0 0- 0 0 •

GRAIN, Mark Lane, March 22.


Per Quarter (Imperial) of England and Walm. For the present Week. Wheat 54.. lid. Rye 8.3s. 7d. Wheat Od Rye Os. 64 Barley... .... 83 b Beans ... 80 7 Barley ...... 0 Beans 10 0

Oats 19 8 Peas 31 Oats 7 0 Peas 10 6


Town-made ................pee sack 435. to 50..

Seconds 40 - 45 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 35 - 40

Norfolk and Stockton 83 88 BRAN per quarter 03.10 Os.

POLLARD. fine Os. to Os.

BREAD, 644. to 80. the 41b. Loa.


Kent Pockets. 1200 to 132.. Choice Ditto 190 -tau

Sussex Pockets 115 - 13,34 Fine Ditto 130 - 132

HAY AND STRAW. Per Load of 36 Trusses.)


Hay, Good 70.. . 76. 50,. . 70s Os... Os 401. 70.. Inferior 60 .. 85 0 .. 0 0


Clover 88 .. 105 73 .. 100 ..... 00 .. 0 ..... 70 .. 103 Wheat Straw 80 .. 83 26 .. 30 o .. 0 ..... so ,.. al



Beef 2s. ed. to 3.. Od. 31. ed.

2 6 .. 3 8

Veal 8 0 .. 4 0 .. 4 8 Pork 2 3 0 .. 4 0


• To sink the offal-per 81b.. HEAD• OF CATTLE AT SMITHFIF. D. Beasts. Sheep. Calves. Figs, Prldar 784 ........ 3,000 ..... 135 Monday 5,003 500



Rapyee Oil .....per cart 0 00d

Linseed Oil 1 6 0

Linmed Oil Cake .. . .. ..per 1000 0 0 0 CANDLES,per ...... Os.0d.to0..0d. Moulds(6d.perdos.discount) 0..04. COALS. Henan 15.6,1.

Tess las. OS.

Wheat, RedNew50 3 05.

Fine .54 50

()Id 50 .. 3(

White 50 .. 53

Fine 58.. 63 SoperfineNew30 .. 62 the 28 to 32 Harley 27 . Malting 30 32 Malt, Ordinary 56 .. 58

Fine 58..60 Peas, Slog.... 29 ..30

a. •. Maple 30 to 31 Oats, . . 18to19 White as . 32 Fine .. . 10..20 Boilers 33 35 Poland . ...SI . MI

Boons, Ticks 1./ .. 20 Fine 28.. SI Old 3l .. 33 Potato...-. 213 .. to Harrow 33..33 Fine.... 24 ..t0

3 per Cent. Consols ........

Ditto for Account 3 per Cents. Reduced 34 per Cents Reduced New 31 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock, 7 per ceut.

India Stock. 101 Exchequer Bills, lid. p. diem India Bonds, 31 per cent BRITISH FUN DS. (Closing Prices.) SaturdayMonday. Tuesday Wednes.

984 981 981 931 981 9131 shut shut 1021 1024 1021 shut shut shut

71 67 69

1024 984 981 70 Thurs.

981 981 Australasian British North American Colonial London and Westminster London Joint Stock National of Is eland National Provincial Provincial of Ireland Union of Australia Union of Loudon Dams - East and West India London St. Katherine


Australian Agricultural.

British American Land Canada General Steam New Zealand Royal Mail Steam South Australian Van Diemen's Land 9 131 631


1114 228 441 61 51 237 164 ex d 1164 ex d 89 91 364 821 122 351 15 924 91 66 301 794 461, 1174 25 61 14/

2- 0s.



25 ex- d

13 344 43 251.


1124 20

4- 04 BULLION. Gold ,Foreign In Rare . per Old Smallish, or Pillar Dollars7.- 301. 107.. 30d. Mexican Dollars 0 4 pi Silver in Bas-s, Standard 0 4


BUTTER-Best Fresh, 14.. Od.per dos. Carlow, 81.09. to 41 10s. per cwt • BACON, Small Old, per ext.... Os. to Os.

CHEESE. Cheshire 42..to 7441.

Derby Plain 46,10 San, HAMS, York 70s. to 743. EGGS, French... per 120 4.. 6d .to 6s. Sd.


York Reds..• .......... .....per n 600.10 85s. Scotch Reds 63 - 70

Devon. Kent end Essex Whites 53 60 SMITHFIELD.*

..10d. to 3. thl to•4, Od. .. 3 10 .. 4 6 4 5 0 8 . 4 0 4 8. o 0 0


TEA,Bobsa,fine, p.lb. Os. Od. -0 0 Con u, fine ...... 0 -2 41

Souchona, fine ..... 8 - 8 0

• In Bond-Duty Iii.ld.par COFFEE. fine (in bd) per cwt.123s. WOOS Good Ordinary S4.. to ?is. SUGAR, Muscovado . per cart.86 154

Wont WSW ASoluoss....110..61.104016,