The English Stet* -Market had recovered- the depression, occasioned last week, and was firm- on Monday and Tuesday. In connexion, with a report that the Ministers:would be defeated on Mr. Hutt's motion, Consols, which had been ea, high 118.954:for Account, fell suddenly to 95k. The market has since been gradually recovering ; ;aid in the course of yesterday the price of Consols for Account reached 954. Today, prices have not -been so well sup- ported, 'and-the dosing quotations-are-95f I for Money and 951,1 fbr Ad- count. Some extensive sales have- occurred, and there: is a considerable amount of Stock rifloat;S while the expectations of a largo-advance in prices does not seem to be so general, was two or three weeks: ago. Money still continues very abundant;. the rate of discount- being:from 2 to.21 per cent. • At the usual half -steady meeting of the Proprietors-of the Bank of Eng--- land, held onThureday, a dividend-at-the rate- of • 4 per cent upon the capi- tal stock of the company for the current haltSyear was declared, The amount of the rester undivided :profit to, the, ored,it.ef the proprietors was stated at 3,583,434/. ; the sum required to pay the dividend then-announced was-stated at 582,1201. ; leaving the,ziett amountof. the-rest. 3,001,3141. This dividend is an increase open the one- last paid, which was at the rate of31 per cent for the half-year. In the course of the proceedingr., it was stated -the profits of: the half-.year exceeded:the sum required to. pay the usual dividend, of Si per cent .by 16,106/S. No material change •• has taken place. in the price of Bank Stock: before the meeting the nominal quotation was 207 to 208, and it is today 208 to 2111; but we cannot. learn that a single bargain has oc- curred in it..
The letters of allotment Of the Scrip of the New Danish Five -per Cent Lean were-issued on :Wednesday : the price rose immediately to 2S premium, and. has. since fluctuated between. 2 and -24 • premium.. l'he Stock of the existing Five per Cent Loan (of which, by the. way, the new issue is but a supplemental part) has been done at 931,. and is today from 92. to 93. The discount upon the conversion of the new Scrip into Stock is abcith percent.' The Scrip of the Russian- Four-and-a-hal( per Cent Loan is rather firiner, and has advanced frOm. 4 to 1 per cent upon last week's prices. The., transactions in the other Foreign Funds have been insignificant, .and. no. material variation in prices has. occurred.. Au , advertisement has.appeared from Messrs. Schneider: and Co. stating that:the tualiquirlaited portion of the dividend of January 1847 now due-upon. the Mexican Five perCentsStock, will be paid on the 5th April next. This announcement has not given -any additiOnal- valuestos Mr,kieeri. &oda s which" has: -fluctiiated • 'between: 294
lind129/_, _ Railway Share.Maiket haabeen in a quiet state, and the priees. of the- prirripel Shares have been nearly the same as those given in our last report. An impulse has-been given to North. Staftbrdshire Shares today. It appears that-there-is-a prospect-of a termination of the-litigation-so; long pending be- tween this Company and the London andHorth-western SATUEDAY 'TIFELVE,O'CLOCIE.
On the Royal Exchange Tsrday. there was scarcely anf -demand for bills on.Paris ; this slackness, and the decline in the French Funds lately obser- vable, is-said to be occasioned_ by the existence of an uneasy feeling among • the capitalists both' here • and'ins Paris as to -the: political :state- of France- which /sedate a suspended 'of all investment eftcapited -in French Securities. There is no change in the prices either of tIte,I.Siglish or Foreign:Funds s all of which are nominally the semen?. yesterday. The transactions. in Railway Shares have been unimportant. SATURDAY Tiro O'CLOCK.
Canada close at:the morning's -quotations; :afterhaving advanced ft per cent during the day, -and afterwards recededtto-the.oppe.ningsprpoe;l The tranario- • tions of. the morning-have been unimportant. IntheForeign• Market, :prices are. without material variation s. the followingia the record of . the business actually trenaacted-Brimilini, 89,, .Danish Three per Cents, 68'; Ditto Five per Cents, 95 ; Ditto-Scrip-, 214 premium s Grenada-17 ; Mexican, 294 I ; Peruvian, 724; Ditto Deferred, 284 & ; Portuguese: Five per Cents,. 1824, 86`714.1 t• Ditto. Foot- pen Cents, -1-38f 7 :Rdsaian Feur-andsa-half :persCent Scrip, 14 ;premium; Spanish Active, .164s Dutch -,Two-andss-half; per Cents; 55.
The.Sliare Market Ilia been without material fluctuation for, the shares of the principal-lines; bids decline is observable:in -some of those which are notinsually much dealt in in this market. • Thus Lancashire-and Yorkshire anclEestLarreashire have fallen I. tire former toi36S. and, thelatterto 8-s-the first marking a deprecuition. of 4A, ands the :latter . of Li., _as, -compared with last week. South-eastern . are "-also, lower, hering ,Ideclinedsto. 15. ; and' the minor class of shares seem to be generally in, disfavour. The following lire the principal bargains- occurring Caledonian, 101 stp,y 4; Chester and Holyhead- Preference, 71 Eastern Counties, 741 s Ditto Preference; 11- East Lancashire, 8f; Edinburgh ancisGlargows,24i4-;: .Great Weetern, 6 74; Lancashire. and. Yorkshire; .10011 paid, 361; London; Brightens and, South Coast, 80; Loudon and.Northawestens• 105 4 5 Ditto diew Sluartar-sharea,- 114: ; Ditto Fifths, 124 4: London :and, South-western, 634; Midland, 39 St; Ditto 501. Shares, 44 ; Norfolk, .271 ; North. Staffordshire, 71-; Souths eastern' and Dover; 15i, 15 ex diva Y Newcastle,' and-Berwick, 134 ; York sand North Midland,:s164; Ditto Preference, 441 Boulogne and. Amiens, 61.; Northern :of France, 124 . 3 per Cent Consols 95f1 Danish 3 per Cents • 68 70 Ditto for Account 954 1 Dutch 21 per Cents ...... 551 3 per Cent Reduced • shut Ditto 4 per Cents 86 1 3j per Cents, shut Mexican p per+Cents 1846:.. 291
Long Annuities shut. Peruvian 6 per Cents 72 3 Bank Stock shut Portuguese 4 per Cents-1842. 83 '4
Diebequer- Bilis 01.85p Portuguese 5 per-Cents 1824.. 84! 6 •
India Stock shut Russtan,5 per Cents: 106 7
Brazilian. 5 per Cents Belgian 42/ per.Cerits 89 91 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents. 164 88.90 Ditto 8 per-Cents 1842:
an 6 per Cents 100 102 Venezuela 82 3 Danish 5 per Cents 93 5
An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week endhig en Saturday, the 16th day of. Marsh 1850.
430,488,520 Government Debt. ........ Z11,015,100 I Other Seturities 2,984,90C Gold Coin and Bullion 18,206,493 Silver Bullion 277,077 £ 30,486,570
505511i0 DEPIaTYctT.
430,486,670 Proprietors' Capital £14,553,000 Rest. 3,697,939 Public Deposits. 8,582,182 Other-Deposits 10,280,661 Sevea Day and other Bills 1,051,558 Government Seemitien, - (In- cluding kleadWeightAnnuityl 414,418,854 Other Securities 11;322,296 Notes 11,477,605
Gold and Silyer Coln 788,715 L 38,006,560 438,006,580 " Including Exchequer, Savings-Banks, Commissioners of Nallintal Debt, &DividendAcets.
Notes issued