The Standard is informed-that the-American expedition to search for Sir
John Franklin will consist of at least. two schooners, under Commander S... P. Griffin, of the United States Navy; an officer only twenty-two years old; but of great talent and courage. It will sail on the lat May, for Lancaster Sound and Barrow's Straits.
The Executive Committee of the Emigration Fund. havereported to the General Committee, 'that the arrangements respecting the Home have been , completed, and a superintendent temporarily engaged : she shows herself so competent, however, that the Committee propose to retain her perma- nently. Of the thirty-nine young women despatched to Port Phillip in the Culloden, on the 8tb, instant, twenty-eight had been needlewomen and serer - vents; and had become acquainted with some branches of household duty; some had been in• farm service. A considerable number of these resided the Home, and proved the value of that institution, both as a test of cha-, - meter, and as a means of practising a moral and industrious training. Others of the emigrants had been received for some time into tradesmen.'s' families ; who reported of- them most favourably, as-orderly and diligent sera.' rants.
A large meeting of merchants and leading citizens, and the general publid. of Dublin, on Thursday, adopted resolutions of - remonstrance against the project to remove the Viceroyal Court. Mr. Grattan, M.P., headed a party , of violent speakers, and was cheered by numbers who coupled his name with that of "John Mitchel." Sir Robert Shaw led the moderate speakers,
who would part with the "empty office_ in
_" but desired some plan to retain
the advantage of the expenditure. The lEgh Sheriff stated that the Chamber of Commerce-was "with therm" working independentlt•
The gigantic warehouses of Messrs. J. P. Westhead, M.P., and Co., in' Piccadilly Street, Manchester, were wholly destroyed by fire on Thursday night. One fireman was killed, and another mortally hurt, by falling walls, after the fire. Property worth more than 100,0001. was destroyed, and the insurance reached but 82,0001: The buildingehad five shafts piercing each floor, . and covered by a dome skylight. When the glass was destroyed, "each of the series. of openings through the floors under them acted as immense flues, through which a resistlese draught of air rushed up : they became centres of heat, roaring and spouting forth fire like so many volcanoes ; rolls of ribands and the remnants of partially-consumed pieces of lighter goods,_ drawn within the vortex of these centres, were shot up into' the air like rockets."
The Society' of British Andel' topened their Suffolk iltesetifirallery for a private view today; and the roomawereeffiki with a numerous company. The exhibition is above the average in merit It will be opened to the public on Monday.