Mr. Hatt's motion, for an address tothe Queen, that negotiations be forth, with entered into for the purpose of relieving this country-from all treaty engagements with foreign states for maintaining armed vessele.on the coast of Africa, to' suppress the traffic in slaves.
For the motion (including 156 Against it 234 The Speaker....
Absent . 265..
Neon oftha Absent M. 656
Adair, Hugh Edward Currie, Baikes Hotham, Lord Pigot, Sir B. Bt. Adare, .ViScount Curteis, Herbert M. Houldsworth, T. Powell, Cal. W. E.. Alexander, NathanielDalrymple, Capt. J. Howard, Sir R. Bart. Powlet, Lord Alford, Viscount Daahwood, Sir G. H. Hughes, William 13..Price, Sir It..21t. Anson, Viscount. Davie, Sir IL.R. F. Humpherv, Aid. J. Pugh, David
Anstey, T. C. Davies, D. A. S. Keogh, 'William Raphael, Alexander Arbuthnott, Hen. H. Denison, E. Beckett Kerrison, Sir E. Bt Rice, Edward Royd., Arkwrighr, Georg* Deverenx, John T: Kildare, Marquis of .Richards, Richard
Rogge William Dickson, Samuel Knightley, Sir C. Bt. Robinson, G. R. j Bailey ou., Joseph. Disraeli. Benjamin.. Lascellea, Hon. Ed. Roche, Edmund B.
Baldock, E. H. Divett, Edward Law, Hon. C. E. Roebuck, Jo. Arthur
Baring, Thomas Dod, Jn. Whitehall Lawless, Hon. C. J. Rothschild, Baron Baring Hon. Francis Douro, Marquis of Legh, George C. Rufford, Francis Barrington, Viscount Drax, J. S. W. S. E. Lewisham, Viscount Rutherford, Andrew Barron, Sir H. Bt.. Drumlanrig, Visa. - Lincoln, Earl of Sadleir, John Bass, H. T. Drummond, Henry Locke, Joseph St. George, Christ, Bateson, Copt, T. Drummond, Home Lockhart, Allan E. Scott, Hon. Francis Beckett, William Duncombe, T. S. Long, Walter Scrope, George I'. Bell, Matthew. Egerton, Sir P. Bt. Lopes, Sir R. Bt. Sealram, Viscount Bell, John Egerton, W. T. Loveden, Pryse Seymour, Sir H. B. Benbow, Joint Ellice, Edward Lowther, Henry Shaft°, Robt. D. Benett, John- Emlyn, Viscount Lushington, Charles Sidney, Alderman I.
Bennet, Capt. Philip Euston, Earl of Mackenzie, W. F. Slancy, Robert A.
Bentinck, Lord H. Ewart, William Micnamara, Maj. W. Smith, Martin T.
Berkeley, F. H. F. Eagan„James M'Neill, Duncan Somers, John Pat--
Bernard, Viscount Farnham, E. B. M.Taggart, Sir J. Bt. Somerset, Capt. E. Blackstone, W. 8.'- Fellowes, Edward Megan, William H. Sornevton, Visconst.: Blewitt, B. J. Ferguson, Sir R. A. Maher, Nicholas Spearman, Henry J. Boyd, John Fitzpatrick, J. W. Meagher, Thomas Stanford,Johni. Brackley, Viscount. Floyer, John Mahon, Viscount Stanley, Edward. Breturidge, Richard Foley, J. H. H. Manners, Lord C. S. Stansfield, W. It. C. Brlsco, Musgrave • Forbes, William Martin, Samuel Staunton, Sir G. T. BrOadwood, 'Henry Fortescue, J. W. Matheson, Alex. Sutton, J. H. M. Brantley, Robert Fox, Richard M. Matheson, James Talbot, C. R. M. Brooke, Lord Fda, William J. Mattusell, Col. T. P. Tenison, Edward -K.
Brooke, Sir A. B. Bt. Gibson, Thos. M. Monsell, William Thompson, George Brews, Humphrey Glyn, George Carr Moody, Charles A- Thornhill, George
Bruce, Lord Ernest Gore, William 0. Morgan, Knox Cl.' Tollemache, R. J. Brirce, C. L. C. Goulburn, H: Morgan, CO..' S. Tollemache, John Breen, Col. Henry Graham, Sir J. R. G. Millings, Joseph R: Trail!, George. Buck, Lewis William Granby, Marquis of Mare, Col. William Trollope, Sir J..Bt, Bunbury, coo. W. B. Granger, Thos. C. Napier, Joseph Tyate, C.. J. K.
Burghley, Lord, Grattan, Henry Neeld, John. Urquhart, David
Burke, Sir. T. J. Bt. Greene, Thomas Neeld, Joseph Villiers, Viscount
Burrell, Sir C. lif: Grenfell, Chas. P. Newdegate, C. N. Villiers, Hon. F. W. Busfeild, William Grenfell, Chas. W: Newport, Viscount- Vivian, John Ennis
Butler, Pierce 8. Grogan, Edward Nieholl, J. I. Mien, Johnileory,
Caulfield, Col. J. M: Gunmsen Lord. Noel, Hon. Gerard-J.:Vyvyan, Sir R. B..
Cltandot, Marti. of Guest, Sir J. J. Norreys, Sir D. Vyse, Capt. R.E.
Cholmely, Sir M. Bt. Hale, Robert B. Northland, Viscount Waddington, David _
Clays Sir W. Bart. Halford, Sir H.Ifart. Nugent, Lord Wiley, Thomas
Clements, Hon. C. 8. Hall, Col..John Nugent, Sir P. Bt. - Walker, Richard'
Clifford, Lt.-Col. H. Hamilton, G. A. O'Brien, John Welby, Glynne Earl, Clive, Hon. R. H. Hamilton, Lord C. O'Brien, sir L. Bt. Westenra, Lt.-Col.
Clive, Hen. Bayley • Burie,Son.-E4A.J. O'Brien, T. West, Fred.ltich.
Cochrane, Alex. D. Hayes, Sir E. S..Bt. O'Connell, John Whitmore, T. C. Coekburn, A. .1. E: Heatheote, G. J. O'Connor, Feargue - Williams, Thos. P. Codling. ton, Sir C. Heritage, Edward. 011aherty; Anthony Willoughby, Bic If: Coke, Hon. E. K. Henley, Joseph AV. Osborne, Ralph B. Worcester, Marq. of
Compton, Henry C. Herries, J. C. Oswald, Alexander Wriglitsom-W:B.
Conolly, Thomas Hill, Lord Edwin Patten, John Wilson Wynn, Rt. Hon.,G.:
Copeland, Ald..W. T.Eindley, Charles Pearson, Charles Wynn, Sir W. W.Bt. . Corbally, Matthew E.Hodges, Thomas T. Peel, Col. Jonathan Ydung, Sir John,.Bt. Cotton, Hon. W. H. Hope, Sir J. Bert. .Pendarves, E. Vt. W. YOrkwollon,,E. T.. .
Crawford, W. S. Hope, Henry T. Pennant, Col. Hon. Crowder, R. Sudden Hope, Alex. J. B. Peto, Samuel Cubitt, William Horsivan, Edward Philips; Sit G. R. Bt:
This is a heavy. list. Itlnings gentlemen to light who would have pre,. fared remaining in the shade, the rather as the quistimv of. political-subser. viency is mixed up with the other causes of absence. Finsbury appears in its old predicament—totally unrepresented; the Tower Hamlets is in the same forlorn condition; Middlesex is. eserted by Mr. Osborne, Westminster by Mr. Lushington, and Southwark by Mr; Humphery. Manchester has not its -Mr, Milner Gibson-; nor Sheffield its- Mr. Roebuck ; nor Aylesbury its
Lomb Nugent ; norOldhamits Mr. Fox ; nor Dumfries ita Ewalt.
A first-sight perusal of the "Ayes" and "Noes" conveys the impression that a good many gentlemen were so much at a loss which lobby to go, into that they-had resolved to be guided by chance. Amidst all the blending, crossing, and intermixing, however, which the lists exhibit, one point seems capable of demonstration—that the preponderance of those who are recog- nised-as forming part of the most earnest of their party voted against Min- isters.
Of' the Conservatives who andar that course we have—Mr. Bankes,
Major Beresford, Mr. Colley -Protectionist), Mr: Christopher, Mr.
Frewen, Lord John Manners, t I of March, Mr. William Miles, Mr.
Robert Palmer, Mr. Stafford, Mt. Alderman Thompson, Sir John Trull; Sir John Walsh.. Of the Liberals who opposed Ministers there are—Mr.-Bright, Mr. Rouverie, Mr. Cobden, Viscount Duncan, Mr. George Dunean,r Mr: E. Denison; Mt. John Ellis, Lord R. Grosvenor, Sir B. Hall, Mr. Henry, Mr. Heyworth, Mr. Hume, Sir W. Molesworth, Mr. Muntz, Mr. J. B. Smith, Lord Dudley Stuart, Mr: Trelawny Sir Joshua Walmsloy, Mr. Page Wood.
On the Ministerial side, we fmd that 40 votes were given by members of the Government and others holding official and Court appointments : Mr. Rutherfurd and Viscount Anson were the only absentees. -Of the Conaervar lives, the following supported the Ministerial policy—Mr. Adderley, Sir Robert Inglis, Mr. Philip Miles, Sir John Pakington, Mr.. Spooner, Mr. Stanley (King's Lynn), leli.: Walpole, Mr. Wodehouse. Of the Liberals there arc—Mr. Brotherton, Mr. W. Brown, Sir E. Buxton, Mr. Cowan, Sir James Duke, Mr. D'Eyncoort, Sir De Lacy Evans, Mr. Kershaw, Mr. Mac- gregor, Mr. J. L. Ricardo, Colonel Thompson, Mr. Thornely, Mx. Charles.• VAliers.
Of the Peel party, the muster preponderated in favour of Ministers.. In the majority, there are the names of Admiral Bowles, Mr..Cardviell, Sir George Clerk, Mr. Sidney Herbert, Mr. Mackinnon, Sir Robert Peel, Mr: George Harcourt, Mr. Fuser, Lord Charles Wellesley. In the minority — Mr. Gladstone, Mr. Charteris, Viscount Jocelyn,a.f.r. George Smythe„ Sir Fre- derick Thosiger, Mr. Stuart Wortley.