CO Card.
'.Tan Queen held a Court and Privy Council at Buckingham Palace yes- terday afternoon. ' At the Court, • Viscount Ebringten had an audience, and on behalf of his father, Earl- Fortescue, resigned his wand of office as Lord Steward Of her Majesty's Household. The Marquis of Westmin- ster had an audience to kiss hands on his appointment to the office ; re- ceiving the wand from the -Royal lady. The Marquis of Lansdowne had •awandience.
At the Council, the Marquis . of Westminster was sworn a member of Privy Council, and took his seat. Lord John Russell had an audience. -13v- her Majesty's desire, Prince Albert held a levee forthe Queen, at -St. James's Palace, on Wednesday. The attendance was numerous. The Reverend Dr. Alutzlaffi of her -Majesty's civil service in China, was among the gentlemen presented to the Prinee, by Sir George Staunton.
The Dirtehess of Kent was a visitor at tale. Palace on Monday and
• Wednesday. The Count and Countess de Nesting visited. her Majesty on ',Saturday.
The Queen and Prince Albert were at the-Royal Italian Opera, Covent Gersten, on Saturday, and utHer Majesty's Theatre on. Tuesday ; in the former ease, accompanied by the Prince of Wales and the Princess Royal, for the first time.
Dinner-parties were given by her Majesty on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at which the Dutchess of Kent, the Dutchess of Sutherland, the Marquis and Marchioness of Douro, the Chevalier Bunsen, Count Perpon-
• cher, Mr.. and •Mrs. Labonchere, the Earl of Aberdeen, Lord, Ashburton, and Mr. Hallam,• were among the guests. On Thursday, the Dutchess of Sutherland and Lady Leveson Gower, the Marquis of Breadalbane, Earl Spencer, and Viscount Jocelyn, had the honour of dining with the Queen.
Prince Albert visited the Society of .Arts on Monday afternoon. On Thursday, he honoured with his presence the Lord Mayor's banquet to the Mayors of the United .Kingdom, in furtherance of his Exposition scheme.
The 'Eratchess of Xent visited the 'Dutchess of Gdoucester on and on-Wednesday ; received. a visit from 'the Count and Countess de Nenilly- and the Duke and Dutchess de Nemours on Saturday; went to the 'Royal Italian-Opera on. Tuesday ; and left town for Froganore on 'Thursday.
The Duke of Cambridge visited the Dutchess of Gloucester on Wed- ,..nesday.