23 MARCH 1850, Page 9


WAZ.OFTICE, March 22.—Royal Regt. of Horse Guards—First Lieut. Arthur de Vern Viscount Malden, from the Rifle Brigade, to be Comet, by purchase, vice the Hon. P. Sid, who retires. 1st Drag. Guards—Capt. C. Hog ton, from the 78d Foot, to bet. vice Littk, appointed to 81st Foot. 6th Drags.—Lieut. Sir W. C. Morehead, Bart. to be Capt. by purchase, vice Brevet Major Hanmer, who retires ; Lieut. H. L. Barton, from the 10th Foot, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Sir W. C. Morshead. lit (or Grenadier) Regt. of Foot Guards—Lieut. and Caet. R. C. S. Clifford to be Capt. and Lieut.-Col. by purchase, vice D'Aguilar, who retires ; Ensign and Lieut. W. H. B. de Horsey to be Lieut. and Capt. by purchase, vice Clifford. lat.Foot..-Ensign.B..Carter to be. Lieut. by purchase, vice Barton,: appointed to 13th Drags.; Quartermaster J. Swain, from 56th Foot, to be Quartermaster, vice - Thompson, appointed to 70th Foot. 41st Foot—Ensign R. C. Barnard to be Lieut. bgpurchase, vice Greathead, who retires.; Cornet and Sub-Lieutenant George Robert. Fitzroy, from the 2d Regiment of Life Guards, to be Ensign, vice Barnard. 55th.Foot—Lieut. F. M. Godden, from 1st West India Itegt. to be Lieut. vice Ryan, who exchanges. 70th Foot—Quartermaster M. Thompson, from 1st Foot, to be Quartermaster, vice Boyd, deceased. 73d Foot—Capt. IL Austen, from 81st Foot, to be Capt. vibe Hogbton, appointed to 1st Drag. Guards. 81st Foot—Capt. L. Lit- tle, from 1st Drag. Guards, to be Capt. vice Austen, appointed to the 73d Foot. 82d Foot—Lieut..0. F. Timing .to. be Capt, by purchase, vice Whittuck, who retires ; Ensign D. S. Collings to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Timins.

1st West India Regt.—Lient..T. Ryan, from 55th Foot, to be Lieut. vice. Godden, who exchanges.

Optics or OILDNACE. March 20:—Corps of Royal Engineers.—Lieut.-Gen. Sir 8. H. Chapman, C.B. IL.C,11..to be CoL-Commandant, vice.Lieut,Gen. E. W. ThIrnford, deceased.