Bankrupts—Robert Barrie, York-street, Covent-garden, builder—Alfred Mordauxd, Southampton, chemist—Thomas Gray, Garrett Mills, Wandsworth, manufacturer of materials for making paper—Alexander W. Laidlaw, Bury-court, City, wine mer- chant—John 31earer, Brighton upholsterer—George Groom, Aldermanbury, City, lithographic printer—William Riley, Ilkeston, Derbyshire, butcher—Walter Parry, Brecon, carpenter—Peter Scott, Liverpool, and Newcastle, County Down, timber merchant—Spencer Percival Pennell; Liverpool, commission merchant—James Bolton Robertson, South Shields, Durham, draper.
Scotch Sequeshntions.—Guatave Brohns, Glagow, cotton agent—Rev. James Stormonth, teacher of the Canongate Burgh School—John Fortune, Edinburgh, watch andclock maker—William Mackersy, Edinburgh, writer to the signet--Robert Davidson (deceased), Milltown, Forfarshire,wright FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, MARCH 22.
Bankruptcies Annulled.—,John Griffith, Hanway-street, Oxford-street, bookseller and stationer—Henry Paine, Strand, tailor and draper.
Bankrupts.—Alfred' Wilson, Kensington, draper—William Bowen, Swansea, Gla- morganahire, victualler—William Simpson, now or late of- Nevrsham Mill, near Pickeriet Yorkshire, corn miller—Samuel Salomonson, Abehumh-lane, City, bill broker and scrivener—George Griffin, Walsall, Staffordshire, grocer and provision dealer—Augustus William Voigt Cheltenham, dealer in pianofortes—George Stevens, Great St, Helen's, City, merchant—Samuel William Potter Steward, for- merly of Hellesdon; Norfolk, briclonaker, but now of Fordham, Cambridgeshire, farmer—Charles Frederick Young, chemist and draggi.3t—John Wreford Hunt, Liverpool, lamp manufacturer—Thomas Devriek Mint Bootle, near Liverpool, inn- keeper—Edward. Kirkby, Liverpool, and Samuel Boicegirdle, Northwich, Cheshire, salt proprietors and timber merchants—William- Scotson, Liverpool, cab proprietor —James Fielding, Macclesfield, Cheshire, cotton spinner and manufacturer—Wil- liam West, Briatol, bookseller and stationer—William Henry Thomas, Dawliah, De- vonshire, builder.