EARLY yesterday morning it was announced that the Directors of the Bank of England; at their weekly court, had decided upon a reduc- tion in the minimum rate of interest of 1 per cent.—, viz. from 8 per cent. (to which it had been raised on the 14th February) to 7 per cent. The measure was so generally anticipated, from, the easier condition of the Money Market, that it created little or no effect upon the markets in general; and Consols, which were at the first rather firm, absolutely became weaker. and left off flatter than at any tuna during the week, and this in spite of &reduction of 1 per cent. also in the rate of discount by the Bank of France. Business has been extremely languid, and perhaps altogether there has not been a less active week for many months ; and the English funds have only varied a fraction, closing a shade lower than at the opening on Monday. Although there is- not positively a pressing demand for money, the lnciun-y is occasionally active, and good rates are still demanded. The joint-stock banks and discount houses make no change in their allow- ance for deposits. Consols were first quoted on Monday 91i 92 for money, and 94 924 for 10th Apra. The final quotations this after- noon are 91f for money, and 924 94 for account,'closing heavily.
Bank Stock, Reduced, and New Three per Cents. shut. The Ex- chequer Bill market has been depressed by extensive sales, and the June bills (lid.) mark 15s. dis. to-day. Indian Scrip has only been sk.htlydealt in, the price leaving off 1001 1004.
The Foreign, Market has shown very little animation throughout the week, and prices are dull all round. The chief operations have again been in Turkish and Mexican Securities, both, however, at the close being only a shade different from the last figures of Saturday : Mexican, 24 244 ; Turkish Six per Cents, 744 75; Ditto New, 544 55, after having been considerably firmer. Peruvian Stocks, fiat, 9 91 for the Four-and-a-Half per Cents, and 74 75 for the Three per Cents ; Peruvian Dollar Four-as:La-Half per Cent. Bonds, 81 82 ; and Uribarren, 82 83, Buenos Ayres Bonds continue heavy : the Six per Cents, 89- 91, and the Three per Cents, 274 284; Venezuela, 20 4l; Ditto One-and-a-Ralf per Cents, 11 12; Granada Active 16 17, steady, and the Deferred, 54 6- Brazilian, 85 86; Russian Five per Cents, dull, 101 103, and the Three per Cents, 61 62; Victor Emmanuel Mort- gage Bonds, 95 96; Sardinian, 82 83; Spanish, 484 4.9; Ditto De- ferred, 41414; Ditto Certificates, 54 54.