St. Patrick's Day was celebrated by the Irishmen in London,
some of whom dined together in St. James's Hall. Mr. M'Evoy, M.P., presided. All that need be said about it is, that two hundred guests were expected, that when the dinner hour struck not a dozen. were present; and' that there were never more than one hundred in the room.
In Dnblin theylept the feast on Monday. Between two hundred and fifty and three hundred persons dined together in the Rotunda, and talked what anywhere but in Irelamtwoul& be called sedition. A Mr. NeilsonUnderwood occupied-the chair. The speakers were the chair- man, Mr. G. H. Moore, the O'Donoghue' the Reverend J. Kenyon, a Mr. Holland, and a Mr. Sullivan. The chairman said he could-conceive no grander sight than that of Mr. Smith O'Brien as the chief minister of 'a free Irish Parliament, an¬hing could please him more than to see the learned and able Moore, and the equally able and distinguished O'Donoghue, moving for the recal of the political exiles from Paris and Melbourne in a free Irish Parliament opened by the Queen. ,
Mr. G. Moore said the wrongs which justified the resistance of the English people to James II. were nothing to what the Irish people endured ; against which wrong, he said, the hearts of the Irish people are in insurrection at this very hour. All would be soon set right, however,, if those who talked so lavishly of sacrificing their lives for Ireland "were only half as willing to sacrifice their prospects in life, their energies in life, and their means of life, for the same object." The O'Donoghue gave Ireland as an independent nation, and called upon Irishmen not to despair because it has a sympathy for that French people which has a heart to feel for others ! Mr. Holland broadly said that the only " moral " force he knew of was one hundred thousand bayonets and ten thousand pieces of cannon- " that is the only moral force which will ever achieve the inde- pendence of Ireland." It was an ebullition of the impotence of the -rump of a defeated faction.