Prince Bismarck (better known here as Count Herbert von Bismarck)
is evidently not devoted to Count von Billow, who now sits in his father's seat. He rose in the Reichstag on Monday to suggest as a candid friend that perhaps the Chan- cellor in calling the Chinese question " vital " for Germany made too much of it, that Germany wished trade with China first of all, and "wanted to get back her millions as well as her legims." His speech, which appeared to be oil, was really vitriol, and it called up Count von Billow, who, after an allusion to its " friendliness " which moved the laughter of the House, replied that Prince Bismarck had misunderstood his language about Manchuria, of which the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs had just expressed his entire approval. He wanted the millions back quite as much as Prince Bismarck did, but they must also vindicate German honour, which he considered to be to Germany a vital questicn. Prince Bismarck apologised, saying that Count von Billow had now shifted his ground, and that he was consequently entirely satisfied. The combatants shook hands, but it was after a duel in which both meant their rapiers to wound. Prince Bismarck votes with the Conservatives, but he has not forgotten, if he has forgiven, the "dropping of the pilot," and greatly enjoys gently drawing blood from the new helmsman, who regards him probably as the doctors regard South African mosquitoes. They are only gnats, but may they not convey fever ?