Itindrr this hauling we notice such nooks of the sea as have not basil reamed for rrviino in otlutr forms.] Victoria the Queen. (Chicago, U.S.A..)—This pamphlet gives us an account of the funeral service held at St. James's, Chicago, on February 2nd. This church was selected as being the "Mother Church" of Chicago, not without a special fitness in the fact that the King attended it in the course of his tour, in the States. The order of the procession is given at length. After the office-bearers in the church came representatives of the British-American societies in the city ; these were followed by representatives of the 'United States Army and Navy, by the Judges and other officials of Chicago, with a numerous body of the clergy ; after these again came the Consuls of various countries. with the British Consul and his staff in the place of honour. Altogether it was a very dignified ceremonial, and was expressive of a feeling which all English subjects will profoundly appreciate. Of the discourse, delivered by the Rev. Dr. Stone, rector of the church, it is sufficient to say that it was adequate to the occasion.