23 MARCH 1951, Page 16

Religion and Politics

SIR,—When commen1ipj on Dr. Barnes and the Vicar of Crockham Hill, Janus falls into the l?l"too common error of imagining that spiritual matters must be kept in a watertight compartment. religion includes every sphere of life" of which politics is one. He has every right to disagree with both these churchmen, but not for the reason he gives. I might just as well say that he, himself, prejudices his position as a journalist by commenting on politics. Janus and I, not being politicians, but both having ample opportunity to express our views publicly, are lucky, but who is to say whether his political views are any sounder than mine ? I am nest in agreement with either Dr. Barnes or the Vicar of Crockham Hill, but they probably do not agree with me, so the position evens itself out. But it is their duty to try to interpret their views of Christianity5in every sphere of life, as it is also mine.—Yours faithfully, Fordcombe Vicarage, Tunbridge Wells. F. J. M. HOGARTH.