Overseas Students SIR.-1 was most interested in Harold Nicolson's •Marginal
Comment in your issue of February 9th, and his description of the good work being done by London House and the Victory Club in providing places where students of various nationalities and races can meet on equal and friendly terms I am sure that you would not like your readers to gain the impression that the problem of accommodation and of social amenities, especially for the great many Asiatic and Colonial students in London, is fully met by these two institutions, as well by Student Movement House, International Languages Club, Croydon, the new Methodist International Hostel at Inverness Terrace, W.2, our centre here and other institutions.
As some readers are aware, there are also other plans in mind, such as one for an international hostel and club in connection with the London University students, and the Lord Mayor's Thanksgiving Scheme, which is connected with London House. Although accommodation for a few overseas guests has been available at the London Friends International Centre since 1941, this is proving to be insufficient, and London Friends (Quakers) have recently set up a committee to investigate the possibilities of opening an international student hostel of their own which, it is estimated, would hold about sixty students, and cost about £20,000. I should be grateful if any readers who are interested would get in touch