[it Book Token for one guinea wilt be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week. April 3rd.
1. Gone to pieces. (13).
10. Celebrated at some length by G. K. Chesterton. (7.)
11. The illusion might become topical. (7.) 12. Crotne painted it by moonlight. (4.) 13. " - up to the knees, or even, it might be, above them ' (Clough). (10.) 15. This for a beginning. (8.)
16. Ocular defect of a popular sailor- man. (6.)
18. A monkey found at sea. (6.)
20. A change of 7 in the plural. (8.)
23. Is it used for illumination at the seance ? (6, 4.)
24. Not quite the fellow to carry your clubs. (4.)
26. Red unit lacking experience. (7.) 27. Examine pins et cetera. (7.)
28. Shocks are available from this for hall 4. (5, 8.)
2. I am on the wrong end of • sharpener. (7.)
3. Change your hearts or you will lose your - " (Belloc). (4.)
4. Coloured price. (3, 5.) 5. Little boys used to ask by-passers to remember it. (6.) 6. They seem to suggest enthusiastic strangulation. (10.)
7. Eve embraces a mixed clan in this region. (7.) 8. Impersonating an animal is simpl•• deceptive. (7, 6.) 9. ' Single men in barricks don't grow into -" (Kipling). (7, 6.) 14. Does It really mean taking the long view ? (10.)
17. A drink to conjure with, it seems. (4, 4.) 19. "0 - and come bock to you my lad " (Burns). (7.) 21. Puss on the water in France. (7.) 22. Flew without effort. (6.) 25. One simply can't get amused without it. (4.)