1 This Miss Fecksniff might have ripe (6).
4 I sue a cat for her (8).
10 Associated with Rowena by Thackeray (7).
11 Hasten to the valley and get landed, so to speak (7).
12 It's a carafe (anag.) (4, 6).
13 I twice get feathered (4).
15 It will, in reverse, put out a tuberous root (7).
17 A) girl might be glad to get an almond
19 Sleepy heads sound likely to have been busy in the Stone Age (7). 21 He'd turn back to mixed ices gaping (7).
23 He might be great or gloomy (4).
24 For which the loveliest of trees wore white (10).
27 He went half way with Toscanini (7). 28 Just a parting word or, maybe, with glass in hand (7).
29 All in all the world as defined (8). 30 Do I return about a bribe? (6)
DOWN been 1 This seems to be Jack Horner in the minstrel show (6-3).
2 Source of home thoughts from abroad, perhaps (7).
3 Cheers a bit (anag.) (10).
5 He seems just the opposite of Tumble- down Dick (9).
6 'A deep, autumnal -, Sweet though in sadness' (Shelley) (4).
7 Harsh couch for the crustacean (7).
8 Salute to National Service (5).
9 Sabrina was (4).
14 They elucidate many a dark saying
(6, 4).
16 Nigel's van (anag.) (9).
18 Vassal but not peerless (5-4).
20 Father swallows a top card (7).
22 Browning sprang to it (7).
23 'If hopes were - fears may be liars' (Clough) (5).
25 Creditable sound of a going concern (4).
26 No doubt he expects to be paid (4).
Two prizes will be awarded: a copy of the De Luxe edition of Charnheni's Twentieth Century Dictionary and u book token fur one guinea. They will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions Opened after noon on April 3 and addressed: Crossword No. 880, 99 Gower St., London, WC1
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, is recommended for Crosswords.
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