From Dr D. M. Jenkins
Sir: Miss Madeleine Simms (March 9, 1974) tells us that the dictatorships of Eastern Europe are now restricting their abortion legislation in order to swell the ranks of their future armies and labour force. Having exposed the Scarlet Woman (Rome not Miss RhysWilliams) she now finds reds in the beds.
It is perhaps not surprising that she cannot see that the Abortion Act 1967 is not responsible for the decline in maternal deaths associated with abortion, which was going on for many years before the Act was introduced. Neither is it surprising that she appears to believe that if an operation isn't particularly dangerous one doesn't need an indication for doing it. Do we at last get a clue to the real motives of the pro-abortionists — eliminating undesirables? Who would have guessed that the East-West conflict might be fought out in the wombs of the Ukraine.
Miss Simms can take comfort in the sure knowledge that if the reds in their beds achieve their purpose and the Eastern Europeans become the dictators of the West, she will have all the abortions she wants and the Scarlet Woman will go to the wall as a bonus. D. M. Jenkins 106 The Ring Road, Leeds 16