WAR-oFFICE, Play 19.-14th Reg. Light Dragoons ; Maj. John Townsend, to be Lieut.-Col. by purchase, vice Baker, tvlio retires-2d Reg. Foot ; Capt. Henry 1Yaring, to be Maj. by purchase, vice Johnstone, who retires ; Neut. Richard Carruthers, to be Capt. by purchase, vice Waring-To be Lieuts. ; Ens. William Valentine Lo grew Hesse, without purchase, vice Knox, dec.; Ens. John Walton, by purchase, vice Carruthere- To be Ens. tvithout purchase ; Hen. Torrens M'Crca, Gent. vice Hesse-3r1 Foot ; Geo. Bridge, Gent. to be Ens. without purchase, vice John Bridge, who resiims-Ilith Foot; Lieut. Alexander Scott, to be Adj. vice Chambers, who resigns the Acljutantcy only- 24th Foot ; Capt. Ponsonby Kelly, ,to be Maj. by purchase, vice O'Grady, promoted; Lieut. Robert March, to be Capt. by purchase, vice Kelly ; Ens. Anthony C. Stirling, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Marsh; Philip A. Barnard, Gent. to be Ells. by purchase, vice Stirling-29th Foot ; Ens. Andrew T. Hemphill, to be Lieut. without purl:hese, vice Bagenall. promoted in the Ceylon Reg.; Frederick Moore Ward, Gent. to be Ens. vice ilemphill-30th Foot ; Lieut.-Gen. Sir Thomas Bradford, from the 94th Foot, to be Cot. vice Lieut.-Gen. bIontgotnerie, dee.-nd Foot ; Capt. John Palk, to be Maj. by liurchase, vice Dillon, who retires ; Lieut. Frederick Markliarn, to be Capt. by pur- chase vice Palk ; Ens. John Thomas hill, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Marl:hien ; George Weir, Gent. to be Ens. vice /Iii1-4Stb. Foot ; Capt. John Grant, from half-pay 1st or Grenadier Foot Guards, to be Capt. vice Wilson, appointed to 6311 Fool-03a Foot; Capt. William Wilson, from the -12111 Foot, to be Capt. vice Walsh, appointed Pavnius. of the Gth Dragoon Guards-67th Foot ; Capt. henry Foley, from the hall-pay, to be Capt. vice Donald .Macpherson, who exchanges-itith Foot ; Harrington Trevelyan, Gent. to be Ens. by purchase, vice Daniell, who retires-77th Foot ; ',jetzt. Hugh Farley Mackenzie, from retired full-pay of the Sappers and Millers, to be Paymas. vice Thomas Andrews Girling, who reverts to his former half-pay-81st Feot ; Capt. Richard 'hat, from the half-pay, to be Capt. vice John Duval, who exchanges-87th Foot ; Payina;. Thomas Drury, from the 97th Foot, to be Payinas. rice Sherlock, dismissed-94th Foot; Maj.-Gen. Sir John Keane, K.C.B. to be Cot. vice Lieut.-Gen. Sir Thomas Bradford, appointed to the command of the :30th Foot-97th Foot ; Capt. George Hut chismi, frees the half-pay, to he Capt. vice George Frederick Greaves, who exchanges-98th Foot ; Capt. Robert Marsh Westmacott, from the half-pay, to be Capt. vice Charles Augustus Stuart, who exchanges-Ceylon Reg. ; Lieut. John Doyle Bagcnall, from the 1291:i Foot, to be Capt. without purchase, vice Brahan, dec.-Unettached ; Maj. Standish O'Grady, from the 24th Foot, to be Lieut.-Col. of Infantry, by purchase, vice Townsend, whose promotion has not taken place.
OFFICE of paw:Axel:, May 16.-Corps of Royal Engineers ; Gent. Cadet Charles Erskine Ford, to be second Lieut.; Gent. Cadet Henry Edmund Allen, to be ditto-Royal Reg. of Artillery; Second Lieut. Robert Crawford, to be First Lieut. vice Grimes, retired. WAft OFFICE, May 21.-10th Reg. of Light Dragoons; Henry Frederick Bonham. Gent. to be Cor. by purchase, vice Fawkes, promoted-12th Light Dragoons ; Cm. Glegg, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Vane, who retires ; Jonathan Childe, Gent. to be Cor- by purchase, vice Glegg-lattt Light Dragoons ; Cor. Robert Hackett, from half-pay 15th Light Dragoons, to be Cor. vice Miller, appointed to the ud Dragoons ; Sur. James Mount, M.D. from the 14th Foot, to be Sur. vice Job, dec.-1.6th Light Dra- goons ; Samuel Blakelock, Gent. to be Cur. by purchase, vice Johnston, who retirei- Cold-dream Guards ; Capt. George Knox, from the half-pay, to be Lieut. and Capt. vice vatt, Gent. to he Ens. by purchase, vice Walton, promoted-Sth Foot ; Capt.T(10:11:li
from tile
Thomas Powys, who exchanges-1st Foot; Assist.-Stir. John Brydon, Foot, to be Assist.-Sur. vice Dillon, removed from the service-2d Foot : "flicina.s Gra- Kenyon, front the half-pay, to be Capt. vice William Eleazer Pickwick, who excbanges -10th Foot ; StatI-Sur. James Dawn, from the half-pay, to be Sur. vice William oung, who retires upon half-pay-1:3th Foot ; Charles MIMIC, Gent. to be Ens. without pur- chase, vice Thompson, dec.-I4th Foot ; Rums. Alexander Talbot Eustace, from the :ied Foot, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice render, promoted in the132:1Foot ; ASSN, .-Slltel.thn M'Andrew, M.D. from the 1st Foot, to be Sac. vice Monet, appointed to the BelliOlt Dragoons-17th Foot ; Capt. Adderley Beamish, from half-pay 31st Feat, to be ('apt. vice Eccles, appointed to the 47th Foot-Pith Foot ; To be Ens, by purchase- Mont Lenpmead, Gent. vice Way, promoted; William Augustus Townshend Payne, Gent. vice Dwyer, promoted in the Ceylon Reg.-36th Foot ; Maj. Lord George Hervey, front the 60th Foot, to be Maj. vice William Campbell, who retires upon half-pay-47th Foot ; Capt. Willitun Eccles, front the 17th Foot, to be Capt. vice Thomas Daly, who retiree upon hell-pay 31st Foot-5Ist Foot ; Ens. Charles Holden, from the half-pay, to be Ens. vice St. Leger, who resigns-55th Foot ; Lieut. John James Peck, front half-pay Cana. dian Feucibles, to he Lieut. vice Hugh Higgins, who exchanges-56th Foot ; Lieut. George Hogg to be Capt. by purchase, vice Foreman, who retires; Ens. James Pringle Bailee to be purchase, vice Hogg ; John Charlewood, Gent. to be Ens. by pur- chaee,vice Baillie-e0th Foot ; Maj. Hon. Charles Grey, from the half-pay, to be Maj. vice Lord George Hervey, appointed to the 36th Foot-12d Foot ; Lieut. Edward Fender, from the 14th Foot, to be Capt. by purchase, vice Edward Perry Brooke, who retires ; Lieut. John Edward Heard. from half-puy, 104th Feet, to be Lieut. vice George Dame- rum, who exchanges-64th Foot ; Richard Peter Woodyeare, Gent. to he Ens. by pur- chaee, vice Lai:graved, whose appointment has not taken place-65th Foot ; Lieut. Charles \Vise to be Capt. by mummer, vice Buller, who retires ; Ens. Alfred Francis Wyatt to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Wise ; Charles Durnford, Gent, to be Ens. by purchase, vice Wyatt ; Aeeiet.-Sur. William Lorimer, from half-pay Gth Royal Veteran Battalion, to be Assist-Sur. vice Richard Eiligott, placed upon half-pay-67th Foot ; Ens. Stephen WIlliam Wybrants to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Drew, who retires; Hon. Arcnibald George Stuart, to be Ens. by purchase, vice Wybrauts-75th Foot; Lieut. Edward Daniell to be Capt. by purchase, vice Orr, who retires; Ens. Peter De- lancey to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Daniell; Lord William Beresfurd to be Ens: by purchase, vice Delancey ; Adj. MODELS Henry Doyle, from retired full-pay 1st Royal Veteran Battalion, to be Paymaster, vice Charles Cu::, who retires upon) half-pay-75th Foot ; Maj. Benjamin Adams, front the half-pay, to ')e Maj. rice James Mill, who ex- ceenees-teel Fuot ; Lieut. William Gentile front the Ceylon Reg. to be Lieut. vice Robert Heat y Dwyer, who retires upon half-pay-90th Foot ; Lieut.-Col. Lord George William Russell, from the half-pay, to be Lieut.-Col. vice Sir Frederick Stovin, who exchangee-99th Foot ; Capt. Philip Hair, to be Maj. vice Bush, promoted ; Lieut. Edward hut, to be Capt. by purchase, vice Hair ; Ens. Augustus Warren, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Last ; Edward Maurice O'Connell, Gent. to be Ens, by purchase, vice teen.n-ititie Brigade; Con Frederick Belson, from half-pay 7th Dragoon Guards, to be Sec. Lieut. vice Marceline Newton, who exchanges-lst eVe.t India Reg.; Capt. Maisie Carter, from the haitepay, to be Capt. vice Trent, appointed Sub-Inspector of Militia in the Ionian Islands ; bleat. Robert Irvine, from halfepay 7th \Vest India Reg. to be Lieut. vice Arthur Maynard Gray, whu exehanges-Ceylou Reg. ; to be Lieuts.-Lieut. Richard Fawkes, from the half-pay, vice Garstin, appointed to the S3d Foot ; Ens. John James Dwyer, from the 1S:h Foot, elthout purchase, vice Lambrecht, who resigns-U attached ; Major William Bush, from the 99th Foot, to be Lieut.-Cul. of Infantry, by purchase-'1'u be Liens. of Infantry, by purchase; Ens. Holroyd FiteWilliaurt Way, from the 15th Foot ; Cur. Richard Fawkes, from the 10th Light Dragoons-The under- mentioned Lieut. acts the serving spat full-pay in a regiment of the line, whose COM-. IlliSSi1,11 is dated in the year 1609, has accepted promotion upon half-pay, according to the General Order of tile 27th of December, 1826-To be Capt. of Infantry ; Lieut. John Ein$lie, from the Ceylon Reg.-Staff; Call. Thomas Abercromby Trent, from the 1st West India Reg. to be Sub-Inspector of Militia in the Ionian Islands, vice Thomas Bar- ker Wall, who retires upon hall-pay-Hospital Stuff; Hospital-Assist Andrew Emilie, front half-pay, to be Hospital-Assist. to the Forces-Brevet ; Sitte-Gen. Sir Thomas Sidney Beckwith, le:C.11. to be Lieut.-Gen. in tlfe East Indies only-Memoranda ; the undermentioned officers hare been allowed to retire from the service, by the sale of un- attached commissions :-Lient. Thomas Hester, half-pay 2d Provisional Battalion of Militia ; Lieut.-Cel. Thomas Mark Dickens, Royal Engineers ; Lieut. James Birkett, retired full pay Gth Rural Veteran I hand io u-The exchange between Lieut. Henry Caul- field, of the Sad Foot, and Lieut. William Garstine of the Ceylon Reg. stated to have taken place on the 25th of December last, has not taken place-The Christian name of Lie tt.•Col. Fleming, of the 24th Foot, is leeward only, and not Edward Carey-The half- pay of the undermentioned officers has been cancelled from the 22d inst. inclusive, on their remit-het a commuted allowance for their commissions Lieut. Thomas Lalor, half-pay 4: el Foot ; Lieut. Patrick Kelly, half-pay lieth Foot: Lieut. St. Leger John Watkins, half-pay Seth Foot ; Ens. Joseph Hare, half-pay 4:el Foot ; Ens. Henry Au- gustin: Cunningham Piet:MO.0n, half-pay unattached ; Cur. William Amherst, half-pay 15th Light Dragoone; Lieut. Samuel Garner, half-pay 8th Foot ; Lieut. Francis Wyse, half-pay 2d FOOI; Lieut. Charles Sturgeon, half-pay uuattaceed; Lieut. Henry James Shaw, half-pay unattached.