OXFORD, May 20.-The Enewnia, or celebration of Founders and Benefactors in the Theatre, has been fixed by the Board of Heads of Houses and Proctors, for Wednesday, the 1st day of June. The Professor of Poetry will make the Crewian oration-On Thursday last Charles David Badham, B.A. of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, was in- corporated of Pembroke College-Yesterday the ltev. Charles Sevens Williams, M.A. Fellow of Pembroke, was nominated a Public Examiner in Diseiplinis Xatheonatieis el Physieis-This day the Rev. John Collier Jones, D.D. Rector of Exeter College, and Vice Chancellor of the University, was elected Curator of the Sheldonian Theatre, in the room of the. Dean of Exeter, resigned.
May 21.-This day the following degrees were conferred-Bache/iv ill Di■•illillf-nev. Herbert White, Fellow of Corpus Christi College. Masters of Arts-Thoma, Ogler Ward, Queen's ; Rev. Henry James Buckoll, Michel Scholar of Queen's ; Rev. Edward tiirdtestone, Scholar of ; Res! Thomas Peach Holdich, Balliol ; David Scott Mieldeham, Banjo' ; Hon. John Chetwynd Talbot, Student of Christ Church; Rev. William Dann Harrison, Worcester ; Rev. Horace Chavasse, Worcester. Bachelors of Arts-Charles Dowding, Queen's ; George Weare Bush, Queen's; John Dinning, Queen's ; Rev. Arthur Bromiley, St. Edmund ; Charles Egerton Dukintield, illag- dalen Hall ; Charles Kyrl Bishop, Magdalen Hall ; William Brown Clark, TT niversty ; George Herbert Cotton, Worcester ; John Clervaux Chaytor, Worcester ; Williams 11.11- cox Clarke, Wadham ; William Yorke Draper, Wadham ; Edward Thomas, Wadliam ; Charles John Birch, Fellow of St. John's ; John Garrett Bussell, Trinity ; Sir Jolia T. B. Duckworth. Oriel; Harris Jervoise Bigg-Wither, CAMBRIDGE, May 22.-The Rev. William Hopwood, B.A. of Trinity College, was an Saturday last unanimously elected Master of the Free School at Hitchin, Hert,, vacant by the resignation of time Rev. J. W. Niblock.-The Rev. John Shillibeer, M.A. has been elected (by the Company of Grocers) Head Master of the Free Grammar-School at ()mune, vacant by the resignation of the Rev. John James, M.A. who has lately been collated to a Prebendal Stall in Peterborough Cathedral.-The Rev. Joseph Cooke, M.A. Second Master of the Free Grammar-School at Macclesfield, has been appointed Head Master of the Free Grammar-School at N.iwark.