Tuesday, May 19.
P.eaTNE R SHt PS DI SS 0 Lv BD.-J. Brown and Co., Manchester, cottmt-dealers-. Hackett, German, and Cu. Derby, twi stetet manufacturers-G. S. Petty and Co. Ulver- stone, Lancashire, timber-merchants ; as fur as regards J. Winrant-Manwaring and- Bishop, Great Bland-street, Dover-road, and Great Trinity-lane, Doctors'-commons, tailors-North Smedley and Co. Nottingham, lace-manufacturers ; as far as regards R. Mayfield-Johnstone and lleaburn, Narrow.street. Limehouee, sail-makers-Johnstone, Anderson, and Co. White Horse-lane, Mile End Old Town, rope-makers; as far as re- gards I). Johnstone--Bullen, Newton, and Co. Liverpool, ale-brewers-J. and S. Vines, Fairford, Glocestershire, farmers-P. Brown and S. Smith, Charlotte-terrace, New- cut, Lambeth, hat-manufacturers-Knott and Brindley, Manchester, dealers in cotton goods-T. and 'I'. Handley, Alancliester, shoemakers-Smith and Co. Preston, painters -T. 31. Witchell, Sopworth, l'Viltshire, anti J. Witchell, Killcot, Glocestershire, millers Higgs anti Snell, Exeter, milliners-T. Sunderland and W. Serle, Dean-sheet, Soho- Mackenzie and Co. Archangel, Russia-R. Sands mud W. Greysule Lentos, Nett ingham- shieeonachine-owiters-A. Rodney and W. Joiner, 1.:dgware, grocers-el. and W. It. Kivis, Sherburn, Yorkshire, Tarsiers-Itead and Cu. Falmouth, littendrapers-A. Mar- riott and S. Garrett, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, dress-makers-Wilkinson and BMus, Ashtonetnder-line, cotton-spinners-B. 'Free and W. \Vent, Hastings, Sussex, catpen- ters-Tonikinson :Ind Barlow, Leek, Stafferdshire, silk.manufacturers-Wadkitt and Morris, elanchester, stnallware-manufacturers-King, Hawley. and Tress, Regent's- dock, Limehouse-Ridier and Butt, Glocester, soap-manufacturers-D. Brundrit and Co. Ituncocn, Cheshire, stune-merchants ; as far as regards It. Edwards-M. mid 1. Jacobs, Phuetix-street, Soho, glass.manutheturers-Scattergood and Taylor, Manches- ter, machine-;takers-E. and T. Burrow, Little East Cheap, wine-merchants-le. Pon- gerard and Co. Fenchureh.street. xe. o INENT.-M ay IS ; VV. Joli eso x, Grove, St. Georee'e-place, Holloway, laceman. BA xerterrerEs SCPERSEDED.-J o Ire Senn:Axe., NV...stun-super-Mare, Somerset- shire, grocer-Jogs HALE, Bromley, me:Liman. BANERCPTS.-[To surrender at the Bankrupts' Court, Businghull-street.]-A. Ase- nueiws, Swansea, draper, June 2, 16, 30: solicitor, Mr. Fisher, Walbrook-buildings, City-J. BAR n ET, Upper Berkeley.street, painter, Slay 22, 29, June 30: solicitor, Mr_ Iteleneote Orchard-street, Portman-square-It. W11.0, Craven-street, Strand, tailor, Slay e9, June 2, 30: solicitor, Mr. Pasmore, Sambrook• court, Basinghalestreet-S. BINE, Iden, Sussex, grocer, May 26, June 2, :30: solicitor, Mr. Clarke, Bateinghalbstreet -J. Se ern, High Holborn, bookseller, May 26, June 2, 30: solicitor, 31r. Lansdale, Sr in u n d's. un -A . SILLITOE, Newcastle-under-Lyme, silk-throwster, May'22, Jitne 5, 30 eelieiturs, Messrs. Jatnes, Bucklersbury-11. BA w taxes, Surrey-street, Strand, hatter, Slay 26, June 2, 30 : solicitors, el eesre. Constable and Kirk, symentt's.inti-E. EA GA it, Langley, Buckinghamshire and New South \Vales, merchant, May 22, 29, June elf : solicitor, Mr. Harrisom Bond-court, eValbrook-J. A. HESS ev, Fleet-street, book- seller, Slay 22, 2e, June 30: solicitor, Dlr. Hopeineutt, Red Lion-square. BANE 12 17 PTS.-[To surrender in. the Country.] E. Pil tLLt r s, Bristol, and Melksham, Wiltshire, vitriol-maker, June 5, 12, 30: seliciturs, Messrs. Poole, and Co. Gray's-inn- square-J. AleatAv, Birmingham, wire-worker, June 4, 5, 30 : solicitors, Messrs. Car- dale, and Co. Gray's-inn-C. Ft:RA/Let:1', MaIlelleSter, shoe-maker, June 4,5, 30: solici- tors, :Messrs. Menton, and Co. Bedford-row-lt. HI LL, Shepton Mallet, shopkeeper, June 4, 5, 30 : solicitors, Messrs. Vizard aid Flower, Lincultes.inn-lields-W. Ili' ANS, Liverpool, grocer, June 1, ". 30 : solicitere, Stews. Adlington, and Co. Bedford-row- P. BAcK 'tot:SE, Liverpool, glass-dealer,lone I, 2, eU : solicitors, Messrs. Blakelock and Fiddey, Serjeant's-inn-C. F. le EN1,11. IC Ii, Stroud, maltster, May 27, 2S, June 30 t
tor, Sir. Kier, Serjeant'e-ism-J. RuutN.:ux, Knottineley, Yorkshire, vesel.beelder,
May 25. 20, Jane solicitors, Messrs. lilaeclock tine Fititley, Serjeant's- inn-et'. P031. FILET, York, dealer in china, June Si, 6, 3U: solicitors, .Messrs. Hicks and Brteikettridge, Bartlett's-buildings, Holborn-J. ltiELLADEW, Meadoweroft, Lancashire, fuetion-mand- lecturer, June 3, 4, 30: solicitors, Messrs. Hurd atal Johnsen, Temple.
Di viltENDS.-Jttne 11, L. Hyde, Horneley, Glueestershire, cloth-worker-May 26, (1. Grain, Cambridge, hatter-May 26, J. C. Bremer, Somerset-place New-road,
chapel, merchant-June 9, .1. and J, Cooper, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, clothiers-June 17, J. and J. Bultner, South Shields, ship-builders-June Ile J. Mansell, llirmilighatn, ti in- ber.merchant-June 17, Cockle, Deritend, Warwickshire, leather-dresser-June F'. R. Maddock, Rosemary-lane, and Darby-street, timber.mercbant-Juile 11, S. P. Ht. land, Worcester, hap-merchant-June 9, G. Ilarrie, North-buildings, Finsbury, bill. broker-June 11, J. Thomas, Burstein, Staffordshire, grocer-June Is, J. Brooke, Aston, Warwickshire, dealer.
ClenerreicArEs to be granted, unless Cause he shown to the cat:hair!, on or Before June 9-J. Beddow, Bath, pastry-cuuk-1). Skelton, Itedruth, Cornwall, inerteveseri- vener-W.Siee and S. Maystun, Friday-street, wholes:flee' nendrapers-W. littriee'Curn- hill, woollen-draper-D. Eckenetein, 13illiter.street, merchant.
Friday, May 22.
BANEitt PTei Es ENLaRGED.-J. Wn feetv, linowl, Yorkshire, merchant, from 51 26 to June 0-T. IlAworertf, Boltunde.eloors, Lancashire, cutton-manufacturer, fr fon May 13 to May 29.
BA.NElt UPTC1E S u PE' /I E1)ED.-II. WELLS, HOHIShaIll, Cambridoesbire, Surge T. /tennis, Newest, Glocestershire, innkeeper.
II A NE rt UPTS .-(To surrender at the Bankrupts Coat!, Basinghall.street.77-G. YOUNG, Rochester, Kent, merchant, May 29, June 5, July 3: solicitor. 31r. Cellins, Great knight Rider-street, Doctore'-commons-P. CARTER, James-streete Covent- garden, factor. Slay 29, June 5, July 3 : solicitors, elesers. Davie and Richardece, Cor- bet-court, G racechurch-street-A. A L LAR CE, Chadwelbetreet, Cletheit well, baker, June 2, 9, July 3: solicitor, Sir. Pocock, Bartholometteemee-T. H. Coe and P. F. Id noun, Old Change, Cheapside, painters' May 29, June 16, July :S: solicitor, Mr.. Thwaites, Queen-street, Cheapaide-J. and W. B. el evein, Ipswich, merchaute, June 2, 16, July II: solicitors, Messrs. Borradaile and Ashmore, King's Arms-yard, Coleman- street-A. J. Met n Ktees, Liverpool, merchant, :tee. ete June 5, July 13 : solicitor, 31r. Gregory, King's Arms-yard, Coleman-street-J. Hon DEN anti J. CROSSE, LaddallE,.. 111et.:111e11 up 20, 29, Jule 3 : solleitor, elr. Gore, Walbrook-buildings-lt. II. TA vette. and II. 'Wet LE Eft, New-court, Throgmorton-strect, wine-merclunits, May 29, June e, July 3: solicitor, SIr. Wadeson, Austinfriare-G. EAse, Ilanorer-liae0, Marylebone, bookseller, Slav 26, June 2, July 3 : solicitor, Mr. Burt, Mitre-court, Milk-street-J. J. 'hi on AS, Blandford, Dorsetshire, wine-merchant, Slay 26, June 2, July 3: solicitor, Mr. Bottum Austinfriars.
BANK RUPTS.-:To surrender in the Co,,ntra.:-1:. SEALS, Nottingham, lace-manu- facturer, June 1, 2,July : solicitor, Mr. le nof:0es, New-inn-B. MA n rf N, NOHilIgh11111, lace.manueacturer, June 2, 3, July 3: solicitor,. Messrs. Taylor, Featilerstone- build- logs, Holborn-S. 1.1 ST I.: lt, Horsfortle Yuri:el-ire, farmer, May 2e, ed, July : el esers. Batt ye anti Co., Chancery-!tote-IV. C. leptAT esTt■N I:, Exeter, toy- man, June 1, 2, July It : solicitors, Messrs. Anderton and Sects, New Bridge-etreet,. Blackfriare-R. Seem-Ea, Burton.upon.Trent, Staffordshire, victim:1er, June e, te.
July :S: solicitors, el, srs. Bicknell tied Roberti, Lincoln's.inn-J. NTu':, Netting- ham, lace-manufacturer, June 1, _.Sulu 7: solicitor, Mr. Knowles, New-inn-J_ PBYSICR, inn., Bath, scrivener, May e9, :el, July 3: solicitor, Mr. Williams, Gras's-inn. -It. ORM ROI), Manchester, ironfounder, June 16, 17, July:1: solicitors, DI essrs. Ellis and Co., Chancery-lane-R. Cut ,.D, Waked, Somersetehire, builder, June 4, 5, July 3 solietor, Sir. Williams, Gray's-iiin-S. GSON, Dewsbury, Yorkshire, clothenattufac- turer, Mny 27, 25, July 3: solicitors. Messrs. Bettye and Co., Chancery-lane.
DI vf os.-June 19, F. Oldrield, Norton-street, Tottenham-court-road, wine- merchant-June 16, T. Brettell, Kingswinferd, statiordehire, scrivener-June 23, J- NelV11111.11, Clerkenwell, brewer-June 12, J. Wells and W. onyon. Dishopsgate-street without, woollen-drapers-June 5, T. Bees, Shoreditele linen-draper-June 12, .1. Gregory, Sun-street, Bishopegate-street, grocer-June i2, T. Nark:, Ramsgate, grocer- May 29, W. Todd and F. W. Courthorpe, Langheurne-ehambers, Felichureb-street, timber-merchants-June IC, T. Fox and J. 1). Brodribb, Bristol, tallow-chandlers- June 16, J. Warr, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, saddler-July 15, J. Bertram, Alfreton, Derbyshire, mercer-June 13, W. Jeffcoat, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, corn-ftotor- July 2, S. Shelley, Oulton, Staffordshire, tiint-grinder-June 12. J. C. Tilney, Castle- street, Holborn, wine.merchant-June 16, .1. Lomas, Westminster-bridge-road, tavern- keeper-June 12, S. and I. Clarke, Fenchureh-street, bricklayers.
CERTIFICATES to be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary on or hefore June- 12.-S. Cooper, Doddington.grove. Newington, builder-J. Reader, Strood, Kent, wool-. stapler-J. Hill, Royston, Hertfordshire, builder-T.Bannist er, J ohn-street, Tottenham- court.road, goldsmith-II. LilwalI, Threadneedle-street, erecer-J. Henderson Law- rence Ponntney.lane, drysalter-W. Cooper, Nottingham, wine-merchant-G. Edwards,. St. Alban's, money-scrivener-J. Hopkinson, Loughborough, liquor-merchant.)