In the political circles at the west end of the town, there is much talk of a Court fracas on the subject of Mr. O'Connell. According to rumour, the King was desirous that Mr. O'Connell should be per- mitted to take his seat without opposition from Government, and the Duke of Wellington is said to have concurred with his lIa:est v ; whilst Mr. Peel and the Lord Chancellor wished to make his exclusion (as it has since proved) a Government question. The opinions of the latter having prevailed, an Illustrious Personage is said to have given ex- pression to sentiments of indignation at the unworthy character of the opposition ; and Mr. Peel was mentioned in a manner far from flatter- ing his vanity. We notice this gossip merely because it happens to be the uppermost topic among the quidnunes, and one which is publicly reported by a high personage near the throne. It is stated in a letter from Dublin which we received this morning, that Lord Mountcharles is to be a candidate for Clare, in opposition to Mr. O'Connell ; but it is not thought that lie will be supported by the Fitzgerald interest.
A very indignant protest against the recent outrages in Portugal upon British subjects has been made to the Portuguese Government, through the Viscount il'Assua the representative of .Miguel in England.
German Papers to the 16th instant, but of no immediate interest, reached us this morning. A letter from Alexandria, of the 3rd April, states that an expecta- tion is still entertained there that the port will be blockaded by the Russians.