STOCK EXCHANGE, SATURDAY MORN1NO.—The transactions of the week have been more numerous and extensive than last week's, and have been on the whole in favour of the holders of Stock ; which has advanced ahout a qaarter per cent, being now 81Z to 88 for this account, and 8S f to for the opening in July. The Market is also very firm, and there seem to be rather general expectations of a further rise ; but upon what grounds we are unable precisely to say—the only good reason we have heard is the abundance of unemployed money, which counteracts the elrects that might otherwise have been looked for from the present state of trade and polities. All the heavy Stocks arc better, and Exchequer Bills maintain their price witli great steadi- ness. India. Stock is also better, and the holders seem to be recovering from their late alarm, the price having advanced to 228. In the Foreign Market, the principal business clone has been in Brazil Stock, in which there have been fluctuations to the extent of nearly 5 per cent. The state of the Emperor's finances, and of the exchange on England at Rio, are such that there is very little chance of the next dividends being remitted from thence. The Brazilian Agents here have, therefore, applied themselves to endeavour to raise a loan in London to pay those dividends, and give their Government time, as the phrase is, " to turn itself." It is to the rumours alternately of the success or failure of this negotiation that the fluctuations in the Stock are to be ascribed; but nothing certain is known on the subject publicly.
In Shares, Anglo-Mexican and Brazilian are higher, on account of the favourable reports lately received from the mines. In other Stocks and Shares, the prices are much the same as those of last week.
SATURDAY, HALF-PAST TWELVE O'CLOCE,—The Market is steady at 87Z to 88, but there is little or no business.
Dank Stock,die.c,per Cent. Colontinan,
per Cent. Reduced, 874 1 :3
Danish, :3 per Cent. 651, (;1i3 per Cent. Consols, 873 88 34 per Cent. 1818, French 5 per Cents.
34 per Cent. lIeduced, 964 Ditto 3 per Cents. New 4 per Cents.1822, 1034
4 per Cents, 1825, 104 Mexican 6 per Cent 202 21 Long. Annuities, (which expire 5th Jan. Neapolitan 5 per Cent. 1860) 111 J-IG Peruvian, per Cent. II 12 , India Stock, div. 104 per Cent. 227 Portuguese, 5 per Cent. 44 45 South Sea Stock, div. 31 per Cent. Prussian, 102 India Bonds, (4 per Cent. until March, Russia ), 904 964
1829, thereafter 3 per Cent.) 54 Spanish, 94 9
Exchequer Bills, (interest 2d. per Cent. suARES. per Diem,) 68 69
Consols for Account 874 68
Austrian Bonds, 5 per cent. 98 98 lInlanos,
Brazilian Bonds, 5 per cent, 541. 5-14 Colombian, Buenos Ayres 6 Cent.
Ditto, 1824, G per Cent. 15.1 16
Greek 5 per Cent. 141 11,1 1
Anglo-Mexican, 27/. los. 30/. Brazilian, Imperial, 8:11. 831. Real Del Monte, 1201. 130/.
United Mexican, 9/. 10/.