A large mootizig of the old friends of the Tenant-Right cause was held at Belfast on Wednesday. Mr. Sharman Crawford reappeared in the agitation, and took the chair; and the list of attenders includes moat of the veterans in the movement. It was resolved to found "a TenantRight Association for Ulster," and a committee was appointed to execute the resolve. Mr. G. IL Moore is about to bring in a bill, substantially the same as the bill introduced by Mr. Crawford in 1850 without the clause giving the Ulster tenant-right custom the security of legality. The meeting is anxious to see that clause restored.
Louth, once conspicuous for poverty, Ribandism, and crime, is now .becoming quite a model county : the workhouse and the prison at Dunda]k are alike thinly peopled, and murders and highway robberies are things of the past.
The Sligo Journal complains that emigration does not slacken ; every steamer for Liverpool takes crowds of decent peasants who intend to prosieed to the United States.