On Monday the English Funds opened at a decline of 4 on Saturday's closing prices—Consols 9314 for Money, and 9411 for the Account ; and they have since been unfavourably influenced by a continuation of adverse sales. The demand for money has been occasionally very active but the rate of interest has ruled much easier ; advances on Government Securities being obtainable at the average rate of 61 per cent. The delay in the arrival of specie from Australia, and the fact of the Bank of France entering into a new contract. for gold, tend to keep the Market flat,• and Consols were yesterday and today sellers at 931. The failure of M. Charles Thurneyssen, share-dealer and banker in Paris, for more than half a million of English money, has naturally hada depressing influence on both sides of the Channel. On the other hand, the daily purchase of10,000/. Exchequer Bills by the Government Broker on account of the Savings-Banks has to a great extent given ease to the money-market : little short of half-a-million has already been purchased, in addition to 30,0001. yesterday in the New Four per Cent Guaranteed Turkish Stock. An active business has been doing throughout the week. Consols opened this morning at a slight recovery upon last night; and, after alternating 4 sellers and 1 buyers, leave off with a steady market at 934 4 for the Account, and 941 4for July. Reduced, 921 4.. Exchequer Bills March, 4s. to 68. premium ; Ditto June, 2e. to 48. prennum. Notice was given yesterday that the Exchequer Bills dated in June and Decembei 1866 must be sent in on or before the 8th of next month to be paid off or for renewal. The terms of renewal will be at the existing rate of 21(/. per day, or 31. 168. 01d. per annum. The Foreign Market has been drooping all the week, and prices are about 1per cent lower all round. Turkish Stock has been mostly dealt in the Six per Cents being now 1/. worse-9441; Ditto 4 per Cents, 10144. The amount of business passing has been insignificant. Brazilian leaves off at 89 92. Sardinian, 90 92. Russian, 105 107. Spanish Three per Cents, 41 42 ; Deferred, 2514. Mexican, 2 23. Railway Shares have daily exhibited heaviness since the opening. Prices have declined about 15s. to 20s. per share ; but business has been very inanimate. The flatness is more attributable to sympathy with the Consol Market than to absolute sales. The following will Show some of the last prices—Chester and Holyhead, 174 184; North British, 104 4; Norfolk, 631 44; Midland, 82 ; South-Western, 491 ; Great Western, 661 Edinburgh and Glasgow, 58 60; Caledonian, 351 364; Aberdeen, 046.
There has been great depression in the Foreign Railway Share Marke and prices have slightly declined every day without any rally' assisted mainly by the continual arrival of lower quotations from the Continent. The market closes dull ; Luxembourg, 7 ; Namur and Liege, 8 4; Lyons and Geneva, 81 91 ; Paris and Lyons, 584; Central of France, 1144.
The Markets are without the least change this morning : Consols dull at 944. In Railways and Foreign Stocks there is scarcely anything doing. Tins week's return of the Bank stock of bullion gives an increase of 45,4821. I 'The English Market is still without alteration ,• Consols were for a moment buyers at 93/, but immediately receded to the opening price, 931 /. Foreign Stocks and Railway Shares are equally quiet; there has been a more than usual absence of business all day. The following are the last operations--Caledonian, 71k; Eastern Counties, 111 ; East Lancashire, 97; Great Northern B Stock, 121; Great Western, 661 ; London and NorthWestern, 1041; London and South-Western, 98k; Manchester, Sheffield, and Linoolre,_41/ ; Midland, 821; North Devon, 42k; North-Eastern —.Berwick, 86k; Ditto York, 6I; South Devon, 74; Eastern of France, 29; Grand Trunk of Canada, A Issue, lfli ; Great Central of France, 24k; Great Indian Peninsula, 211Great Western of Canada, 23; Northern of France, 201. Joint Stock Banks—London and Westminster, 48k; New South Wales, 47; Ottoman Bank, 14k; Union of London, 251. Miscellaneous—Crystal Palace, 24; South Australian Land, ll.
BANK OP ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 16th day of May 1857. loses DErL1TMENT.
At a meeting on Thursday, the Directors of the Provincial Bank of Ireland declared a dividend of 4 per cent for the half-year and a bonus of 6 per cent. The report stated that the bank is in a most favourable position, the business having increased and the profits being high—last year more i profit accrued than n any preceding year.
The scheme for cutting a canal through the.Isthinus of Suez has been favourably received by the Chambers of Commerce of Liverpool, Manchester, Dublin, Belfast, Cork, and Glasgow • and they have passed resolutions that the canal would prove very advantageous to the trading and shipping interests of Great Britain by shortening the route to the East and increasing the regularity of commercial transactions.
M. Charles Thumeyssen, banker and sharedealer at Paris, nephew of the well-known banker Thumeysaen, and related to Mr. Isaac Pereire, has fled to the 'United States, leaving debts estimated at from 800,000/. to 1,000,000/. The principal Polish families in Paris have suffered greatly by his failure.
The bank of "Lawe and Co." at Preston, was closed on Saturday. It appears that the sudden death of Mr. Lowe, the sole proprietor, caused the .suspension of the business, no arrangements having been made for carrying it on. But the Preston Guardian states that no creditor will suffer eventually when the estate is wound-up, and that a great portion of Mr. Lawe's property can be quickly realized.