An M.D. of the University of London wrote a letter
to the Tines of this day week, to point out that while the division in -Convocation on giving degrees to women last week showed only 148 voters, there are 1,480gradustes ; and the inference intended -to -be drawn was that the majority gained for giving degrees to -women does not, in the least, teat the state of opinion in the Uni- versity-. That would be very plausible, if it were not in evidence that some five hundred graduates who wished to support the de- cision actually arrived at, had signed an address to that effect before the discussion took place. Amongst these five hundred, moreover, many who actually voted, and some who actually spoke for the measure, are not included. We believe the truth to be, that if the Convocation could be polled out to a man, the majority in favour of the women's degrees would be at least as large a per-centage of the whole number of members of Convocation, as the majority last week was of the whole number then present. There is certainly not a shadow of evidence for any different conclusion.