23 MAY 1891, Page 1


QUEEN NATALIE has been expelled from Servia. The Radical Government had satisfied themselves that she aspired to the Regency as natural guardian of her son, King Alexander, and on the 18th inst. orders were issued to arrest her Majesty by force. The Prefect carried them out, but time had been given to the Queen to warn her partisans, and the gen- darmes were attacked by the citizens, the carriage turned back, and the Queen replaced in the Palace. The Government then announced that the attempt would be abandoned ; but late at night they sent troops to the Palace, broke in the floors, and forcibly carried Queen Natalie to the station, whence she was conveyed to Semlin, within the Austrian frontier. This act of violence, which was wholly illegal, has roused all Belgrade, and a strong party outside, against the Government, and may, unless some desperate step is taken, lead to its over- throw. Many observers believe that this step will be taken in the shape of an invasion of Bulgaria, in which case the Government would be secretly aided from St. Petersburg. The Russians, it should be observed, are clearly not backing Queen Natalie, probably because she is too independent, and they find the dominant Radical Party more submissive. A very few days will show, but, as we argue elsewhere, war between Servia and Bulgaria, a war intended to reverse the result of Slivnitza, has never seemed so probable.