The new Archbishop of York is to be Dr. Maclagan,
the present Bishop of Lichfield. It seems a modest choice, and one which will render the public loss in Archbishop Magee even more conspicuous than ever. The Bishop of Lichfield is a vigorous man, who has been in the Army, and who has a dash of the military character in him. He has shown good sense in his present diocese in his effort to reduce the amount of sermon- writing which young curates have to undergo, and he has rendered himself very popular with Dissenting bodies without in any sense relaxing his deep sense of loyalty to the Anglican Church, Still, he cannot be called either a great divine, or a great preacher, or a man of large learning. He has a deep devotion to duty and strong common-sense, and that is all,— is, in fact, an excellent Bishop, but-hardly the man to set over a great number of other Bishops. Probably, however, Lord Salisbury found that he had very little range of choice.