Gilbert Elgar's Son. By Harriet Riddle Davis. (G. P. Putnam's
Sons.)—Gilbert Eiger is a Maryland farmer, a "Friend," but not of the very strictest kind. He loves sport better than work, and finally lets his affairs fall into confusion. His daughter " Robin," while yet a child, overhears him lamenting that he has no son. The words sink into her heart and shape her life. First she puts away " childish things," with a most pathetic resolution, and when she grows up, and her fatheadies, takes upon herself the burden of the farm. The story of how she carries it through is admirably told in this volume. The surroundings of the girl's life are well described, and her own firm purpose gives a central interest to them all. There is a love-story skilfully intertwined with the plot. The whole makes a more than usually attractive tale.