When the debate was resumed on Tuesday Mr. Wheat- ley
explained that some figures which he had quoted on Monday, and which had greatly impressed the House, were inaccurate. He had said that the profits of mining in Durham in 1924 were only £11,000. He ought to have said £2,000,000. An Insurance premium of £130,000 would thus not involve the industry in a loss. The most striking speech on Tuesday was that of Sir Robert Home. The cautious warnings which he had uttered immediately after the introduction of the Budget now grew into a loud denunciation. There could not possibly be a worse time to tax industry further. Nearly 80 per cent. of the collieries were working at a loss ;- the steel and shipping industries were paralysed ; the cotton industry - was working only three days a week. He did not believe that 10s. a week would bribe old men out of their jobs to make room for their juniors. Nor did he believe that this new scheme would be any more successful than its predecessors in relieving the rates.