At the recent annual meeting of the Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company, Limited, the chairman was able to state that the year 1930 proved to be a record year in the Life department, the net new business reaching £1,903,289, while the rate of interim bonus on whole life policies was raised to the high figure of 48s. per cent. A final dividend of 13s. 6d. per share, less tax, was declared, making 27s. per share for the year, against 26s. in 1929. Not the least interesting point made by the chairman, Mr. A. Allan Paton, was the vast extent of the insurance cover represented by the company's operations. In the Fire department, for example, he pointed out they had given cover in 1900 to the extent of £433,000,000, while for last year the amount had grown to the huge total of £1,500,000,000. Marine business had also greatly increased, but, he said, a true comparison of Accident and other Indemnity business was not possible because so many new classes of business had come in during the three decades. The chairman of the Liverpool and London and Globe then gave some very satisfactory figures of the Life business, indicating that the sums assured under policies now in force were £21,000,000 at the present time, as compared with £8,000,000 in 1900.
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